Monday, December 15, 2014

Guess it shows

The new nurse here at the old folks home had the pleasure of checking my nightly blood sugar and as usual it was sky high.

Wat'cha been eating she asked?

Without saying a word I pointed to a cartoon of buttermilk,my spare,for later when I get back in my room.

You drink that she asked?

Well now I  guess my country backwoods never seen sunlight ways must be showing but yes I drink buttermilk.

Buttermilk over sweet milk anytime far as I'm concerned.

Fact is I had buttermilk and cornbread for supper.

Back in the old days maybe not the good old days just way back when, a large skillet of cornbread was made for dinner(lunch it's now called)and what was left over that was your supper(some incorrectly now call it dinner)with your choice of milk,buttermilk or sweet milk.

As Lewis Grizzard,Great American,would say,not like the food in those fancy cafes were they cooked the tomatoes and eat the green beans raw.

Just plain good tasting food like milk and bread is good enough for me.

Guess my country ways were showing.

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