Saturday, September 27, 2014

Piercings and tattoos

My Lord had piercings
A crown of thorns on his head a sword pierced his side
My Lord had tattoos
A whip ripped his hide


Songs by Adele make me cry
Living in the past makes me blue
Sometimes I want to die
When thinking of you


Ain't it neat
And oh so sweet
The cookie fairy brought Nutter Butter
Fairy you make my heart flutter

Friday, September 26, 2014

Krystal craving

Craving a Krystal
Having an attack
Right now
I could eat a sack

Small square bun
Mustard pickle onion
Steaming hot off the grill
This is the real deal

Add some fries
Bowl of chili on the side
Throw in a couple corn pups
Big diet Dr Pepper in my cup

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My hope

My hope I don't get up for anything
Cause I know peoples promises are deranged
Talk is cheap talk is easy
People some do it just to tease

Why do I  think it will happen
When I  know their gums are just flapping
Better I  should know
Most of what people say is just for show


My eyes groggy with sleep
I slept well no counting of sheep
Awaken by the morning sun
What I seen was a sign of fun

On my table they had been left
Mini Oreos from a fairy not some elf
Seems I have been bewildered again
By the Oreo fairy my old friend

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Asked for it

ISIS the USA has started air raids on you and yours.

The bombs and missiles have been dipped in pig blood and your 7 whores await you in Hell!

You asked for it.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Count down

Fall will officially start in 12 minutes.

Here in my comfortable bed I'm reflecting on today's events.

Before sunrise thunder,lighting,rain and howling winds woke me up.My widow open the cool air felt good on my face.

Effortlessly sleep found me again and off I drifted into peaceful deep sleep.I woke up just in time for breakfast at 8 am.My appetite has dwindled since having that cold/virus or whatever it was a few weeks ago.

Counting down 3 minutes till fall starts.

Grits and a fried egg I ate saving a biscuit and bacon for later.

10:30 pm now it's officially fall in Georgia.

I dozed off and on till lunch.It was a bust consisting of a pork chop,rice and steamed carrots.The rice I ate.

Up and about around 3 pm out to the TV where sheesh yes you guessed it Walker Texas Ranger  was on.Same ole same ole.

Looking at the menu an order for 2 grilled sandwiches and tomato soup was made but supper comes around and no luck on my plate was chicken pot pie and grilled zucini.

Now get this.If the rumor is true this chicken pot pie was questioned by state investigators a year or so ago saying it had to be changed from the dry crusted vegetables just spooned out onto your plate.It was changed into a recognizable version of chicken pot pie till it's ugly face reappeared today at supper.

Maybe this food is why I have no appetite.It's not the type of food I like or grew up on.

Oh how I crave real food.

Butter beans cooked on the stove,sliced fried potatoes and some real cornbread.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Change in the air
Leaves  turning brown
I see yellow butterflies
Floating all around

Cool breeze on my face
A nip in the air
A change is here
A relaxed slower pace

Fall is here
Shorter days longer nights
Smell of burning leaves
The season that is just right

What is the use

Sometimes I fail to see the use.

The use of getting up out of this bed everyday.Each day like the one before and tomorrow will be the same.

The only thing separating each day from the next is whats on the food menu.I don't go by the days of the week anymore a calendar is not needed instead I start each day by checking the food menu.

Why get up out of my comfortable bed in my comfortable room out of my comfortable environment just to sit in a wheelchair in front of a TV watching the same boring thing over and over each day.

Messing with my mind

Oreo fairy
Tell me true
Rumor is you're the Kebbler elf
Really now is that you

Did opportunity arise
Like cookie dough
Haven't seen you in awhile
Is this how you're letting me know

Messing with my mind
I'm going to flip
My world turned around
I guess now you will bring cookies of chocolate chip

Better be

Yesterday was National or International Pirates Day.

As my Uncle Eugene used to say any man who wears ear rings and has a pony tail better be a pirate.

Never have I

I think I'm just about as Southern as one can be in my ways and customs.

But never have I  had sweet iced tea at breakfast like in the McDonald's ad now playing.

Another thing,never have I used a straw to sip sweet iced tea.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Just an American

Just an American.

That is what I am.

Not an Irish American,Scottish American,African American,Native American,Italian American.

Just an American.

Welcome to Georgia

Peach County,Georgia.

True story.

Woman gets ticket for impeding the flow of traffic by driving to slow.

Speed was 68 in a 70 zone.

To be fair she was in the fast left lane and there where several cars behind her.

3 points on her drivers license and $100 fine.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Who could it be
The fairy who brings Oreo's for free
When I'm in deep slumber
Sure makes me wonder

It's no fable
More where left on my table
Yes I've been visited again
By my Oreo fairy friend

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Things blew up

I dared not to turn around.

Some bossy ole Lady said hand me the TV remote,never mind what anyone else was watching please thank you may I.

I pointed to the remote and said get it.She replied"I'm in a wheelchair hand it to me"duh 99% of the people here are in wheelchairs.

Just another start to another beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Things blew up after supper with people losing what sanity they have left with their childish doings fussing and growling.

Help me help me someone down the hall is hollering,personal alarms going off when they try getting out of their wheelchairs,my new roomie is walking around without his pants,least he is not wearing them backwards like earlier.

I just go with the flo mind my own business and pray I survive without to much ill effect!

Cool things

Cool things seen from my window lately.

Woman dressed in pink,pink helmet riding a pink Harley.

Tractor trailer pulling long trailer with 2 old Jaguar cars.One a red covertable with white top the other solid black.

Flocks of birds some flying north others south maybe someone confused.

The big show

This reminds me of residents fighting over who gets the TV remote.

It's more interesting than watching TV.

What goes around...

Snitch,tattle tale,rat fink...Karma is sweet!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Photo proof

Thanks to night Nurse Paula AKA The Roadrunner we now have a composite photo of the ever eluding Oreo fairy as she/he was fleeing room 31.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Red dot

The red dot.

The red dot on some of the resident's here ID bracelets.

I think it means DNR.Do not resuscitate.

Who makes this decision I wonder.Most likely the resident or family members.

My Daddy made that decision for himself.Thank you Daddy for making it cause I sure didn't want to.

But with Momma I did have to make that God awful decision.Yes I have wondered if I made the right one and forgive me Momma if I didn't.

I haven't made that decision for myself yet.

Red dot or not that is the question.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Kayne West

Rise from that wheelchair
Kayne West has commanded
If I tried I think
The floor I would have landed

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Has happened again

I have this theory.

Laugh if you may but it's good as any explanation I've heard.

The Oreo cookie fairly I think is in cahoots with Ufo's,Unicorns,Bigfoot and all those other things everyone knows is real but just don't have good physical evidence to back up their claim.

Just like we all know Jimmy Hoffa is buried at Yankee Stadium 10 foot down in a 55 gallon can.He's there but we just can't find him.

Everyone has seen flying saucers yeah even you but your just to chicken to admit it.

Ghost and hauntings,Now I know for a fact I'm not normal(thank goodness)but never ever have I had the pleasure of meeting one.Least I don't remember.

The Mafia,doesn't exists but it's there.

So back to what all this is about.

The Oreo cookie fairy payed another late night visit.Left was a 4 pack of cookies.Surely the fairy sprinkles me with pixie dust so I blank out or they are sneaky and wait till I start snoring loudly before making an entrance.

It's magic.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Old folks

You kids today
Don't be bold
Careful what say
About us old

Because our teeth
We takeout at night
In a mayo jar we do keep
And pray our Depends not to tight

Once we wiggled
When we walked
Now we wobble so don't you giggle
And please speak louder when you talk

And explain this
At Christmas we get
Combs and toothbrushes
Hair and teeth we do miss

Velcro is an old persons friend
Saves us trouble lots
We can't stoop and bend
What you say your name is I forgot

You will grow old
Chances are you will
You have been told
Save enough money to pay the nursing home bill

Only young once
But old forever
Don't be a dunce
You be clever

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


This morning my spirit arised
Never did it plument
Ms Amber brought a surprise
Egg cheese ham omlet

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Catch a fairy

How to catch the Oreo fairy
First I need a fairy net
They are so fast and merry
This will be no easy task I bet

I will hide and be very quiet
The fairy won't see me at all
I will do this at night
I will be like a fly on the wall

I'm thinking this out
Yes this might work
Hope the fairy don't fuss and pout
Yeah I know I'm a dork

Failure to communicate

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

That's what the warden in Cool Hand Luke told the prisoners.

I've faced that predicament myself a few times.Can't be understood.Am I speaking a foreign tongue?When I get excited I do tend to stutter or get tongue tied.That could explain alot.

If I'm not careful slipping into my natural dialect is real easy.That would be Southern backwoods never seen the sun shine redneck watch this a redneck's last words language.

Honestly most folks can understand me ok.Sometimes those people"God Help'em and show them the evil of their ways"of Yankee persuasion have no idea what in the world I'm trying to say.

I just get this blank stare with the word huh emerging from their vocal cords.Trying to converse with the younger generation is another challenge.Anyone younger than 40 years old don't even know what time of the day to eat.

To these children"God Help'em"trying to explain what supper is could be a losing battle.It's breakfast,dinner and supper not breakfast,lunch and dinner.Poor things get so confused at times they don't even know if it's breakfast or lunch so they made up this word called brunch.

I know,I'm blessed,being brought up speaking proper English.

So with all that said think I'll sit in my cheer by the winder or lay my head on a piller cause all this typing has made my fanger ache.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Only one you wrote

Oreo cookie fairy
Where did you go
Are you mad
Is that the reason for a no show

Those visits at night
While I'm in deep slumber
Beautiful dreams were mine
Of those sweet tasty delights

So please come once again
With those wonderful treats
While I'm in blissful sleep
Just leave them on my table or on the sheets

Got your note
With the last batch
Over and over it was read
There is only one Oreo fairy you wrote

Harvest moon

Harvest full moon tonight
Bound to be beautiful sight
Most likely will cause fright
So big so bright

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The cure

Things not looking good in the world.

First on my mind this morning is those dog coward hideous ISIS and their brutal beheading of American journalist.In my opinion they are the scum of the Earth and may a just as equal brutal death come to them.

Now for St Louis.This black/white hate has risen it's ugly racist head again.I think this Country will never be free.

Locally 12 year old is suspected of armed robbery.Was this kid raised by jackals out in the wilderness or did he really have parents?Obviously not caring parents.

We still have hope but I  think it will be the second coming of my Lord Jesus Christ that will be the cure.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Something is coming

I feel it in the air something is coming.

Yesterday it was noticed,a feeling of static electricity,the hair on my arms bristled up,that feeling something big was about to explode amongst us.

From my watch point I could see restlessness in residents.That blank stare and shuffling of their feet as they wander endlessly.

A feeling of sadness draped over me as I watched a Lady with her walker pulling her suit case behind as she hunted for an exit saying she wanted to go home.

Lord Jesus just take me on before I get in that shape.