Saturday, September 13, 2014

Has happened again

I have this theory.

Laugh if you may but it's good as any explanation I've heard.

The Oreo cookie fairly I think is in cahoots with Ufo's,Unicorns,Bigfoot and all those other things everyone knows is real but just don't have good physical evidence to back up their claim.

Just like we all know Jimmy Hoffa is buried at Yankee Stadium 10 foot down in a 55 gallon can.He's there but we just can't find him.

Everyone has seen flying saucers yeah even you but your just to chicken to admit it.

Ghost and hauntings,Now I know for a fact I'm not normal(thank goodness)but never ever have I had the pleasure of meeting one.Least I don't remember.

The Mafia,doesn't exists but it's there.

So back to what all this is about.

The Oreo cookie fairy payed another late night visit.Left was a 4 pack of cookies.Surely the fairy sprinkles me with pixie dust so I blank out or they are sneaky and wait till I start snoring loudly before making an entrance.

It's magic.

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