Friday, February 28, 2014

Mind wanders

On this cold Friday the last day of February my mind wanders to warmer days.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Out drawing Matt

A kid.
Saturday night around 10.
No matter how I tried.
Never could I out draw Mr. Dillon.

The moment we die


Shadows on the wall
See all the time
Doesn't bother me at all
They friends of mine

Redheaded stepchild

Breakfast was great.One of those $5 types.

Thick sliced crispy bacon,fried egg,grits and a biscuit.

The type of breakfast us Southern boys grew up on.

All that was missing was crispy fried hash browns.

But I have a complaint.

Here at the old folks home renovations are being made in the kitchen.Think it is finished but have to wait on the Fire Marshall's inspection before being used.

So for the past week or so our food is coming from the hospital that owns this place.

My gripe.

The hospital sends over by chuck wagon this thick crispy old fashioned real honest to goodness bacon.

I love it!

When the kitchen here starts back up we will most likely get that thin fake chicken bacon.It will be a disappointment after that real bacon.

Is the hospital serving their patients and residents at the other old folks home they own this real bacon and we get the fake stuff?

Now I know how the redheaded stepchild at a family reunion feels like.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My name is

To some my name is John.

Some call me Johnny.

John Lee is another name.

I also answer to Pete...Momma sometimes called me this...Momma why you calling me Pete?...never an answer just a smile.

Pedro and Hoss Fly is what Daddy called me.

Gooney Bird was a childhood name...big ears looked like wings.

George is what a girlfriend called me...I was afraid to ask why.

Around the old folks home I answer to Joe,George,Big Head,J.B short for John the Baptist,Sugar and last but not least Sweet Cheeks.

Haynes is often mispronounced Hines or Hays but it's ok I know it's me you are calling.

Haynes(French for man with many names)is pronounced like Haines.

Yes I answer to many names.

If ever I'm blessed multiple personalities I have a name for each one!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Asked that question

I can’t say I’m not afraid of death.

But this I can say death is not dreaded.

People I think fear the unknown,change,not being in control.

We have a hard time letting go of life,the ones we don’t won’t to leave behind,possessions that keep us earth bound,material things.

I will admit death confuses me.

The Bible said “THE DEAD KNOW NOTHING and DEATH IS LIKE A DEEP SLEEP”,in the grave we stay till the return of Jesus.

Others say at the moment of death our spirit or soul leaves the body and goes on for it’s final judgment.

Oh how wonderful it would have been if Lazarus had wrote of his death,what it was like.

I’m sure in his time he was asked that question.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

That game

Kent State
People crying
People dying

Peace sign
Race war
Government lying

Burn baby burn
Malcolm X
What we learn

Black Panthers
Everyone wishing
Just go away

I was there
Free love
Long hair

Nothing has changed
Still same
Everyone playing
That game

Nothing imitation

Good no excellent breakfast past two days.

Real not that chicken imitation bacon,thick sliced and crispy,fried egg,grits and a biscuit.

The kitchen here is being renovated and all meals are coming from WGMC the hospital that owns this old folks home.

Lunch and supper always come from there with breakfast made here.

Wonder if they serve that good bacon all the time at the hospital?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Full moon survival

Made it through the full moon around the old folks home without incident.

Far as I know anyway.

Did hear someone calling for help then somebody a nurse I think screaming 911 911.

Full moons can be interesting around here.

The zombies come out.

They walk the floor endless the term is called sun downing.

I know that term well,my Mom suffered from dementia and let the sun set and agitated she got.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Room 31 update.

Room renovations complete.

New green shag carpet is down and the maroon painted walls drying as I speak.

The mirrored ceiling and glass revolving disco ball add atmosphere to our humble abode.

A new microwave/Mr Coffee maker/fridge combo sure makes it convenient here in 31.

By the way Orville Redenbacher is the official popcorn of room 31.

Those 60 inch hi def TV's mounted above the ceiling of each bed is what the kids call"the bomb".

As I soak in the giant hot tub sipping on a margarita eating a taco the view of the Atlantic ocean takes me back to my sea faring days but that is another story for another day.

Stay tuned for more exciting room 31 update.

Blame this guy

Hello friend.

Yes you sitting there on your computer.

How is your day going so far?

Does it feel like the butter has slipped off your biscuit?

Is it going to be one of "those days".

Where nothing goes as planned.

The faster you go the farther you get behind kind of day.

A day that even jogging in a jar(prune juice)is about as exciting it's going to be.

A day when the bird of paradise finally flys over your head know.

Even your dog won't socialize with you.

I have the perfect person to blame your troubles on.


That cute little guy from those Bugs Bunny cartoons.

Guessed who yet?

This guy.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The big one

Snow,ice,and now an earthquake felt in Georgia around 2 am Saturday morning.

I've always heard Georgia is on a fault line and a big earthquake is way over due.

As Fred Sandford would say..."This is the big one Elizabeth".


Pity party time at the old folks home.

Complaining about your life and situation only turns people off.

Pssst...Cheer up...think positive.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


It's 2014...where's my flying car?

Redneck romantic rhyme

Your Valentine poem
Just for youse
Youse I loves
Really I doose

Sticking to you
Like a bugger on fanger
Me loves youse
Mo than my Ford Ranger

Get in da truck
I'm a big spender
Off to the Krystal we go
Now this is romantic don't you know

All dressed up
Jeans and flip flops
Your best T shirt
The one stained by pork chops

I might shave
Might wear socks
Promise you I'll
Try to behave

Youse kinda pretty
Little bit smart
Those six fingers those six toes
It don't matter no one knows

I've said a little
Maybe a lot
I loves youse
Here have my tater tots

My spell checker going wacky
Wonder why
Yeah I know
My poem be tacky

But I loves youse
Telling you true
Now tells me
Don't youse loves me to


Blessed this storm missed LaGrange/Troup County...someone brought me pinto beans and cornbread for my lunch...very blessed.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Looking back

In that 70's mood
Things from the past
It was a blast
Yes feeling the groove

Those pointed collar shirts
Baggy pants
Platform shoes
Those crazy rants

Shags be the style
Really glad
The 70's lasted only awhile

Now I'm old
No more being 23
Fun looking back
Memories so good for me

Don't laugh,don't judge


Hear it?

The trigger of a big gun being slowly pulled.

We are under the gun as in the old saying.

Talking about the weather.Ice,snow is being predicted for the great state of Georgia.

After the fiasco of two weeks ago no chances are being taken.Schools in northern part of the state are already closed and it's only raining and above freezing right now.

Snow is one thing but ice storms are another.They are no fun.

Heard on the news about the snow storm of a couple weeks ago people up north were in awe how it was handled down here in Georgia.

What you have to remember is this,snow is so rare here we are not equipped for it.Maybe up in the mountains of Georgia they have snow plows and such but not around here.About the only thing that is done around here in these snow/ice events is bridges and over passes are salted down,that is all.

100 degrees summer temps with 95 % humidity,floods,earthquakes,tornadoes and hurricanes we deal with cause the South is use to them.

Snow/ice we are not.

So don't laugh,don't judge.

We didn't when 900 plus people died in Chicago a few years ago during a heat wave one summer.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Real versus fake

Real versus fake.

Real wins every time.

This morning for breakfast I got the real stuff...bacon not that stuff called chicken bacon.

Thick,crispy I almost wanted to call it strick-o-lean.

Same way with sausage real is what I like and want not that turkey or chicken substitute supposed to be healthy for us stuff.

One day in the future a study will be made and the results will be this turkey and chicken this and that is what's killing folks.All those baby chickens and little gobblers being pumped with hormones and steroids so they grow faster can't be good for us humans.

Look at it this way would you rather have a real diamond or one of those cubic zircoinas ?

Friday, February 7, 2014


The ground hog may say 6 more weeks of winter but the little birdies say spring is near.

Two pairs of different breed birds have been fluttering outside my window and chirping up a storm.

They are ready!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I'm a bad man

Drama drama drama.

A grown man,same age as me,acting like a spoiled little boy.

Watching TV yesterday and it wasn't on his channel and moan and groan he did.

Seems for once he didn't have control all day of the remote.

People where watching other things beside replays of women's basketball that we bare because he likes it and might I add most of the time he is asleep holding the remote.

I know I'm a bad man but him being denied control of the remote I enjoyed.

I half way expected him to bust out crying,he does that a lot really if life doesn't go the way he wants.

He couldn't take it and finally just took the remote and watched his program without asking please,may I,or do you mind.

Watching him squirm was fun!

Yes I'm a bad man.


Listening to a rebroadcast of Dreamland with Art Bell I think the time for me to explain things about me has come.

Some call me Big Head John Haynes.

Maybe just maybe the reason for my Big Head can now be told.

Are you sitting down earthling?

Yes you earthling!

Have you seen me at places walking lately and you thought it was just a dream?

Do you wonder if there is just a little something strange about ole Big Head?

Do you at times think you see me glowing a crab apple green?

Does a chill run down your spine when you enter room 31?

Do you wonder why I like tomato soup so much?

Do you wonder why I have that blank no expression look when Walker Texas Ranger is playing on the TV?

Why do we have chicken so much on the menu oh sorry my mind is starting to wander.

Yes earthlings these questions I  can't answer and I can't figure out how to end this story so pick from the following endings:

1.Big Head is bored and just passing time.

2.Big Head has finally slipped off his rocker.

3.You are wondering why you're reading this haven't you got better things to do
don't you know life is short?

4.Pick #3 it sounds about right.

5.Ok if you think this is easy you make up an ending yeah it ain't that easy is it?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Drift off

Laying here today I thought why go on.It would be easier just saying enough of this leave me alone and go to sleep.

Drift off into the unknown.

Being a big chicken keeps you from doing a lot of things.

Braver facing the situation people say.

That really means you're scared as Hati of what comes next.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Weird strange disturbing

Weird strange disturbing dreams past few nights.

Dead people snakes stuff like that.

What it means who knows and I'm not really concerned.

Was nice visiting with those that have passed on.

Didn't like the snake dream a bit.

I have always heard when you dream about snakes it means you have enemies.

Dang thang bit me in my dream.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Prayer of the pitiful

I write about what I know,see and hear.

99% of it is true.

Sometimes just like Hollywood things are added to the story just to make it interesting.

Today is a true nothing added story.

Listening to one of my roomies pray yesterday.

Prayer of the pitiful I call it.In this prayer there was no praise or thankfulness.Just a prayer of what was going bad in their life.

I thought to myself does the Lord really hear these prayers or does he just ignore them.

Please can't you just be a little thankful for something a blessing that has been bestowed upon you.

Negative thoughts and self pity are a waste of time.Be positive.Be thankful.Be joyous.Appreciate what others do for you.

Nobody gets through this life without disappointments.You are not alone with setbacks and suffering.

Give thanks for what is good in your life.