Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My name is

To some my name is John.

Some call me Johnny.

John Lee is another name.

I also answer to Pete...Momma sometimes called me this...Momma why you calling me Pete?...never an answer just a smile.

Pedro and Hoss Fly is what Daddy called me.

Gooney Bird was a childhood name...big ears looked like wings.

George is what a girlfriend called me...I was afraid to ask why.

Around the old folks home I answer to Joe,George,Big Head,J.B short for John the Baptist,Sugar and last but not least Sweet Cheeks.

Haynes is often mispronounced Hines or Hays but it's ok I know it's me you are calling.

Haynes(French for man with many names)is pronounced like Haines.

Yes I answer to many names.

If ever I'm blessed multiple personalities I have a name for each one!

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