Friday, August 31, 2012

Don't try this

Fun things to do when you're an only child.Don't try this at home kiddos but it was fun for me.Raised with no siblings I got bored alot when I was a kid.Never was anything done that was mean but the word would be mischievous or curious.A favorite thing was to mix all the things in the bathroom medicine cabinet to gather in the sink.Sometimes you get a good smoke and that question from your Mom what are you doing in there.Another fun thing is taking your Mom's hairspray and a lighter and making a blow torch.One word for that.Cool.Take a thermometer put it in the fridge and sooner or later they will freeze and bust.The dangers of mercury poisoning I knew nothing about then.I put to gather and collected plastic model cars.Every so often after a big collection was on hand I had well putting it lightly wrecks.Lighter fluid makes big fiery crashes and when the plastic is hot you can mould all sorts of dings into your models.

There are more things I could mention but I'm afraid some impressionable kid might try it and you know that wouldn't be pretty.

So being an only child is not all that bad.Gives you a chance to use your imagination.

Blue moon

I have a saying.Wait till the next blue moon.Well it's here that blue moon so all them things promised guess today is the day to get busy and do it.By the way blue moon for those who don't know simply means two full moons in one month.It happens but not very often.So with that said I will say see ya or wait till the next blue moon.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chicken pot pie

Chicken pot pie night
How I hate the sight
Never mind the taste
I think it's a waste

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Change coming soon

Hurricane in the Gulf Of Mexico heading for New Orleans.Seven years to the day since Katrina devastated N.O.Here in west Georgia just a steady rain coming down.I've only been through one hurricane and that was Opal in 1995.It was something to see.Trees and power poles bent over like a big strong giant's hand had just push them over.It was more of a pest than any thing.No power for a week.Instant coffee for that time.One word will describe it and I wont say it here.

So just looking out the window at the steady rain coming down and I like it.The view of busy Highway 29 and the trees is very relaxing to me.The trees have that look to them.Washed out green color and yesterday I seen a lone yellow leaf floating to Earth.A sure sign of a change coming soon.

Days of cooler weather and nice open the window at night time.Sounds of crickets on a fall night will relax you into a deep sleep.Smell of burning leaves and wood smoke from a fireplace are a favorite of mine.Thoughts of homemade chili and vegetable soup with cornbread a part of the cooler weather.Crisp cool mornings that make you feel alive.

Yes fall is on the way.Never have I met anyone who disliked the season.

Monday, August 27, 2012

5 by 4 by 3

Nothing to write
Can't shed light
Things are tight
I'ts a fright

Nothing to say
On this Monday
Here I stay
Want no fray

What to do
Won't hurt you
I am true
At times blue

Love I miss
It was bliss
Like the kiss
Me you dis

Like a snake
Kill with rake
I can't take
All was fake

Red cup update

Update on red cup.Yesterday as I was eating breakfast I noticed a red plastic cup in the road.Eating with one hand and typing with the other my feelings on the cup where wrote.

All through the day I noticed that red cup.It finally made it to the sidewalk out of the road in plain view of me still.

This morning the end of the red cup came.I noticed someone wearing an orange vest picking up trash on the side of the road.Someone doing community service for some crime they had committed.

Now the red cup is gone.Gone to where ever the red cups of this world end up.Once new,shiny,useful and needed it is in away like what all of us will end up some day.

Discarded and thrown away like that red cup.

Works for me

Oh boy.Headache time today.I've had this cold or something for a week now.Always heard a cold settles in the weakest part of your body.Mine always in up in my head.That means something what I don't know.

Anyway the cure is on the way.A fresh hot cup of coffee.That always helps me.I read that why it does is that caffeine opens up the blood vessels in your brain and the blood flow is better.So if that is true or not I have no proof but it works for me.


I knew it was a dream as I was dreaming it.Least I think so anyway.I was at this old house,run down and really ugly to me.People I know where living there with me some I could see their faces others I could not but they where there.Some where living and one I know,my cousin who died a few years ago was there.She was on top of the house doing some roofing work with another lady not recognized.I could hear people talking but a tall hill had to be climbed to reach them and every time I tried down falling I would come.

I wanted to tell them about the most beautiful sight I was seeing.Looking out from the yard at the old run down house I could see this.The waters edge came right up to the edge of the yard.It was a perfect view I was looking at.It was an extremely large harbor with ferry boats and smaller ones headed in the same direction.Away from the house and towards a big city.I could see tall skyscrapers and lots of buildings.I knew the name of that city.It was New York City.

What this all means I don't know.I just had this feeling to write about my dream of last night.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Human way

Whats old now new
Guess ideas are few
The tried and true
Are things we do

Afraid to break away
Scared to take a chance
Save the hard things for another day
That is the human way

Don't be a hog

Butter scotch hard candy.At one time it was one of my favorites.I remember laying in the alley behind the house one cool fall evening eating butter scotch candy from a bag.Like every thing I did as a kid it was over done.My fault no else to blame.About 8 years old and not to smart I ate the whole bag.It was a Thursday evening and I remember thinking it was the the night one of my favorite TV shows came on.Whirlybirds.I barely made it back to the house.Talk about sick I was.I had OD'ED on butter scotch hard candy.Till this day if I see,smell or even think of that candy I feel queasy.Just writing this makes me well sick.The moral of this story is don't be a hog and share your butter scotch hard candy.

Red cup

Red cup in the road
Car comes by it's blown
From a car it was thrown
Red cup now gone

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Stormy mood

I have this need to write today.But the subject escapes me at the moment.Can't focus on one thing all these thoughts are going through my brain.I'm going a hundred miles per hour and spinning my wheels.

I'm just taking in everything around me.Hummingbirds outside my window have took up a lot of my attention today.Two of them flirting around the feeder doing what who knows .Are they fighting,flirting or just playing.Reminds me of a pair on a seesaw back and forth.

My mood today I would call stormy. A good day for a rain.That would be fun just laying back watching it come down.Might get that chance next week because some tropical storms are down south and headed this way.No floods or hurricanes please thank you.

Oh well maybe later something interesting will come to me.Till then this will have to do.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Daddy just stopped by

Daddy just stopped by.Guess he was checking up on me.He didn't stay long but it sure was nice him visiting me for awhile.

Daddy has been dead for 20 years now.Before you start thinking I've gone completely wacky let me explain.

Daddy always used Lucky Tiger hair oil that he bought from the barber shop.Every so often I get this strong smell of that tonic.When I smell it I always feel like he is checking up on me.Sorta like being my guardian angel.It is a nice feeling.

Stop by anytime Daddy.Love and miss you.

Caught in a phase shift

The natives are restless today.Short tempered and fussy.I woke at 5am and noticed it real quick like.I think the butter has slid off a lot of folks biscuits.Could be a full moon is on the way.Maybe people are caught in a phase shift and their good side is being blocked.What ever the reason I'm laying low going with the flow today.Help us all we may need it.

The red badge of courage

Red badge of courage.I think we all have suffered from it at some point in our life.For those who are not familiar with it this explains it.There was a movie and most likely a book about a solider who was in the Civil War.During the heat of battle he deserted his post and was running away.On his flight from the fighting he struck his head on a low hanging tree branch.Knocked unconscious and bleeding from his accidental head wound he was found by his comrades.

His fellow soldiers thought he had been shot while fighting the battle.They where treating him as a hero.The solider did not confess his real reason for being wounded.He was told how brave and fearless he had been while other soldiers confessed of being terrified and had run away from the battle.

Ashamed of his actions the solider went along with the with the praise he was receiving.But all this had a profane affect on him.He found out that he wasn't the only one who had been afraid and deserted the fight.In the next battle he rallied his comrades and led them into battle.Still afraid but now not ashamed of being afraid because he knew everyone else was also.

So the red badge of courage he wore.We all have at some point in our life.Taking credit for things not earned or deserved.Not telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our little conversations

Hello how are you my friend of friends?Hope every thing is going great for you today.And how is my day you ask?I can't complain,every thing is going good.Great so we all are doing good,having fun and enjoying life.A red letter hokie dorrie day we can call it.And if I may ask how are you feeling?Great that's what I wanted to hear.Me? I'm fine also thank you for asking.You know what?I sure enjoy our little conversations.We must do it again real soon.Bye for now!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What can I say about you

What can I say about you
About all the wonderful things you do
Things that are nice
You don't mind doing twice

What can I say about you
Things that are good and true
How you go far far out of your way
So I can have a wonderful pleasant day

What can I say about you
How proud you are
To me you are a star
I have faith that you will go far

On a star lit Georgia night

Sound of a whipper will
On a star lit Georgia night
Always been to me a delight

Croaking of bull frogs around a pond
On a star lit Georgia night
Always a sound that's fond

Wind through the pines
On a star lit Georgia night
Always a sound I think is fine

Fire flies filling the sky
On a star lit Georgia night
Always a beautiful sight

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Places I know
Sugar Hill
The S curve
Skeeter Flats

Places like this
Bacon Level
Population fifty
Places that are nifty

Yes it's a place
Standing Rock
No bigger than a city block

These places are real
There are many more
Naming them all
Would be a chore

Exposing my heart

Where should I start
How much should I say
Without exposing my heart

I have things to say
Should I keep them to myself
These feelings I deal with every day

I think a lot
Early in the morn till late at night
It does nothing but trouble it got

Leave things alone
Don't rock the boat
Keep the burden inside it I can tote

Even if alone

Fall is coming soon
I feel it in my bones
Times like that
Wish I was home

Where I felt safe and secure
Where the memories are so dear
Wish I was home
Even if alone

Cooking and cleaning
I don't mind
It was a good way
To past away time

Yes to be back home
Life was good
Felt like it should
Even if alone

Stroke of good luck

A stroke of good luck
Has come my way
Twenty dollars twenty bucks
I did find today

How should I spend it
What should I do
If you where here
I would spend it on you

We could eat some tacos
Maybe a pizza to share
That sounds good
Oh yeah we should

Yes that I would do
I would gladly share with you
Yep twenty bucks found
Get yourself ready lets go to town

Guess I'm getting old

Snap crackle pop
Think I'm getting old
Least that's what
I've been told

Hair getting gray
My beard to
Yes I'm getting old
What can I do

My memory is fading
This is true
Guess what now
I can't remember you

Guess this happens to us all
Now I'm just old
If I may say so
If I may be so bold

Call me lazy
You can call me crazy
But I must be getting old
Because things are a little hazy

Monday, August 20, 2012

Life as it should be

If life was like it should be
I would like living in a tree
In a tree house way up high
The roof almost touching the sky

If life was the way I wanted
All children would be happy
Never to be hurt or taunted
Every child would know their Daddy

If I had my way and had a say
Everyone would be free from hunger
Enough for all every day
That should be the American way

If life was fair
Everyone would really care
Free from fear and pain
There would be no injustice to bare

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I feel crappy

I feel crappy
I need a nappy
Woke up at three
Sick as could be

Head was hurting
Sore throat to
Took a Tylenol
What else could I do

I feel better
Just light headed
Think I will make it
If not I'll just fake it

Heaven or Hell

Heaven or Hell
Choice up to you
What you believe
What you do

I don't know
But I've been told
Hell is hot
There your soul will rot

God is all
Jesus is his Son
Where we go
Depends on what we done

If you know you know
Where you will go
Jesus is the light
He will save your life

Saturday, August 18, 2012

All things southern

Things all southern
I know alot
Them old things
We never forgot

Things like grits
With buttered biscuits
Taters piled high
Gotta be fried

Co Colas and peanuts
Moonpies they fine
First class cuisine
We do dine

Dale Earnhardt
Junior too
Richard Petty
Love that blue

Red Georgia clay
In we play
Watermelon we eat
On summer day

Yes I'm southern
Born and bred
Here be buried
When I'm dead


Short is life
Full of strife
We are here
Full of fear

Some days good
Lot are bad
Do best can
With what have

Take in stride
Our time abide
One at time
On my mind

Enjoy each minute
Time will come
When there none
Life then done

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Dear Jane

You are crazy
Wacky can be
Nutty you are
Batty yes sir'ree

This is plain
My Dear Jane
You never change
Bad Like Cain

Caused some pain
Way you act
Stabbed me back
My Dear Jane

Take the train
Use the tracks
Don't come back
My Dear Jane

Don't you cry
Stop your lie
I nearly die
My Dear Jane

Grand Pa

Grand Pa Haynes
I miss you
Bootlegger and moonshiner
Did your best
Kept family fed
Better than rest
Grand Pa Haynes
Find no fault
Lesson you taught

Grand Pa Smith
I never met
You Baptist preacher
Son was teacher
Grand Pa Smith
You died young
Grand Ma fret
At your death
Grand Pa Smith
Hope to meet

Walking barefooted

Walking barefooted
This I like
Walking on thick grass
Such a blast

Careful though
Don't stump your toe
Watch those splinters
They you can get

Shoes in house
They not needed
Never made sense
Wasted money spent

Walking barefooted
Way to go
Them ole shoes
You can throw

Salad day

What to do
What to say
Where to go
Where to stay
Today is Friday
My salad day
Big and tall
Eat it all
Stacked fully loaded
Salads be fine
Eaten all time
Fine way dine
Great with tater
Good with pizza
Salads they are
Dressing from jar
Only thing wrong
Don't last long

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My excuse

Well. Today what I wrote probably didn't make much sense.Excuse me but writing was a little bit hard today.This is the story why.I like tomatoes.Home grown tomatoes to be specific.Little small tomatoes just right for snacking on and snack I have been doing.I think maybe I over done this snacking on tomatoes.I have an allergy of some sort and maybe tomatoes are the cause.My face is red and blotchy and it stings.For the first time in my life I took an allergy pill.Well guess what?They make you sleepy and dozy and that I was and still am for that matter.So if what I wrote today sounded a bit off the wall that is why.That is my excuse and I'm sticking by it.

Crow Hop

Bush Head shoals
Crow Hop to
Places never got
You're to young
I was told
It's to rough
Places on river
There you fish
Now I'm old
I no wish
Them places fish

Them dirt roads

Them dirt roads
Dusty and muddy
Smell of clay
On summer day
That red dirt
Will ruin shirt
Bluejeans it stains
Cleaning a pain
Them dusty roads
Almost gone now
They from past
Hope some last

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Broken heart pain

Close my heart
Open never again
Long time heal
Broken heart pain
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain
Broken heart pain
Best being alone
When love gone
Men do cry
Some even die
It no shame
Broken heart pain
Not about you
Don't be vain
It be about
Broken heart pain

Down to ocean

Down to ocean
Where I belong
Crashing of waves
Sand under feet
Grass hut live
On the beach
Life I need
Life I want
Setting sun see
Beautiful to me
In another time
Maybe this mine
Happy and carefree
Life for me
Down to ocean
Down to sea

Took a pill

Took a pill
For my knee
Now it feels
Like should be
I did sleep
Only little bit
Last night I
Didn't sleep none
That no fun
Feels pretty good
Still can't run
But that ok
That pill did
Save the day

Wait and see

The trees have that look.Changing now it seems.They are not that deep dark green.Their color is washed out green.Could it be because of the extreme hot weather this summer or is fall going to come early?Sunday reminded me of an early fall day.It was so nice.I have heard that one extreme follows another so if that is true guess this winter will be a cold one.

We will just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Steady like a tree

Sun is shining
It is raining
Devil beating his wife
What it's called
The Devil he's no good
Causes nothing but strife
Want to do good
Live life like I should
Temptations they are abound
Every where I turn they around
Try hard I will
Cause Jesus has paid the bill
He died for our sins
For you and me
Now we are set free
All born sinners that is true
How we act up to you
Life a hard row to hoe
At times need patience of Job
Jesus has set me free
I must stand steady like a tree
For the plan God has for me

You make it possible

I thank you
You make it possible
With you I'm able
To watch TV without cable
All my favorites from the past
They such a blast
Back when TV was fun
3 channels black and white
That little dot on screen went out every night
Now TV on 24/7
Channels of every type
Hate to say most just hype
Back then them 3 channels black and white
TV was fun we didn't gripe

Talk with you

Nothing to do
So I will talk to you
What ya been doing
What ya up to
Hope things good
Behaving like you should
Know you are
Keep that up
And you will go far
Ok I enjoyed our chat
I got things to do
But later I be back
Just to talk with you

All over town

Stormy day
Rain looks like here to stay
But that's ok
Farmers they do need it
They been praying and pleading
All over town
This rain causing no frowns

Monday, August 13, 2012

That don't forget

I'm ok
So are you
We going to make it
That is true
You cheer up
Don't you be blue
Me and you
We be friends
Got each other
Till the end
Others will forget us
That I know
Sometimes it easy to get
Down and out
Your friend I will be
That don't forget

So long and goodbye

All is good
As Under Dog said
Never fear
I am here
No more tears
Time and the years
They do pass
Really it's been a gas
Enjoy least try
Time that left
No time to cry
So to you I say
So long and goodbye


Heartbreak is a pain
I'm through with that game
Never again will I
Have to say good bye
Not going to trust
To much of a fuss
Them days over
All it got me was
Grayer and older
So guarding my heart
My love I keep
Never to part

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I need a line

Into the blank screen I stare
Judas Priest on YouTube plays
Just here waiting on end of the day
Not much to do
Not much to say
Random thoughts I have
Some good
Some sad
None are bad
I know
That was a cheap rhyme
But it did save time
Didn't prep
Didn't think
Yep you guessed next line
This little dilly going to stink
What could I say
That will save the day
I need a line
That will make this dilly sound fine
Something smart
Something bright
Something that sounds just right
This could be a long one
How am I getting out of this
Hold on I've just begun
Now I have it
Know what to say
It's been fun
Have a good day


Hummingbirds I see
Things not much bigger
Than a bumble bee
Morn noon night
They in flight
Rain or shine
They don't mind

Things I see

Things I see
Some bother me
I see souls
That want to be free
Trapped in their misery
This can't be their history
But it's their destiny
Nothing can be done
For them no more hope
No more days in sun

Enjoyed by me

A pretty day
All I can say
Just came in
That's where I've been
Mid August it is
But felt like fall day
Enjoyed by me
I will say
Care to guess
More like this
On the way

Saturday, August 11, 2012


15 on a summers night
Smell of Formosa
Fills the air
15 not a care
Doors Light My Fire
We do hear
Young hearts
Full of cheer
15 on a summers night
Everything is alright
Thought feeling would last
Only if could
15 on a summers night
Everything is sweet
All is good


You get me tongue tied
You make me blush
Talking with you
Gives me such a rush
You can make me mad
Make my blood boil
Around you I see double
Really you're nothing but trouble
You I don't like
Please leave me alone
Just take a hike
Go far away
Have a nice day


Come on inspire me
I need to write
Nothing sappy or sad
Something witty and bright
Let it be good not bad
Come on help me now
You can do it if you try
Don't make me beg
Don't make me cry
I need inspiration
End my desperation

Careful of my thoughts

Got to line my hat with tin foil today.This is the reason why.Last night I was thinking how nice a cup of chipped ice would be.I had a hot Coke and ice was needed.Never did I ask for a cup but would you believe that someone brought me a cup and I asked whats this.They answered and said the ice you wanted.So my brain must be sending out these signals and thoughts to people.I must be careful of what I'm thinking.Like the old joke they must have esp or is that ESPN.


Today I write happy thoughts
Not about battles fought
Of cheerful nice things
Things that are sweet
Things that are bright
Look at things in another light
Today no fights
Love everyone
Peace to all
Talk to ya later
Take care y'all

Friday, August 10, 2012

World peace

World peace
My plan
Everybody do this
Pick a day
Everyone boy girl woman man
Have a weenie roast
All at same time
Hard to fight
With hot dog in hand
World peace
My plan

High on the hog

A good trade I think.This is the deal.Roommate had an extra sausage biscuit.A real pork sausage not one of those fake turkey things.I had waffles and sugar free syrup that didn't look so good to me. So we swapped.Now I'm all set with a real pork sausage biscuit and some OJ for a mid day snack.Guess you could say I'm eating high on the hog.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sir Slick Gary

Willie Lonnie Mr.B
Sir Slick Gary
Friends to me
Long haul us
Sir Slick Gary
We do tease
Claim as brother
Never had another
Till the end
They my friends


Easy way is
Sometimes not best
Stick through it
Even though hard
Pain is great
Tears do flow
Don't give up
Day will come
All is done

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One of those days

Oh boy what can I say.Everybody is just sitting around looking like their best friend has died.Like the butter has fallen off their biscuit.Like their dog ran off with the mailman or something as bad.Is there a full moon tonight I wonder?Maybe it just one of those days.Bet you have a few like this yourself every so often

The hum drums.Bored outta your gourd type of day.The blues.A day where watching grass grow or paint drying on the wall would be a more exciting type of day.

First to cry

The first to cry.That was me.54 years ago,6 years old,1st grade,Southwest Elementary,Ms.Porter my teacher.

School had been on for a few months when this happened.Some background info.I had been hit in the eye with a rock thrown by a older neighborhood kid by accident least I hope it was.Off to the doctor I was taken and the eye was patched up and I looked like a pirate.

Sitting in class it started hurting,aching and I cried.Ms.Porter made the comment I was the first to cry in class that year.Embarrassed I was but it could not be helped.I was in pain.

What brought all this back was today is the first day of school and I overheard someone talking about their little boy's first day at school.

Sun in face

On a chopper I go riding
Great being free
From no one I'm hiding
Way it should be
Never same road I travel
Just stay off roads of gravel
My idol Then Came Bronson TV show
Fueled my need to go
Sun in face
Wind to back
Gone forever
Not a trace
Left to see
Way I want it to be

Dog days

Dog days.I never fully understood what dog days are.Momma would always tell me don't walk in the morning dew barefooted during dog days.The reason being if you had a cut or something similar on your foot it would get infected easy.Another explanation I've heard is that during dog days it's so hot that dogs go crazy with the heat.

So what ever the reason it's called dog days I think it is going on now.Sounds like a little investigating on the internet should be done.Think I will.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

For you I wish

Did you ever love me
I would like to know
Was it just for show
I remember how we cried
When things died
Your smile always reminded me
Of the way things could be
Did we give up
Did we let love die
In the end both of us
Didn't try
Not sad
Not mad
Thank God for the time we had
For you I wish
Happiness peace
A good life
Free from strife
Always remember till the end
I want to be your friend

Stuck in my head

Stuck in my head
This thing called dread
Wish it would go away
Let me have peace for today
That what I pray
Leave me alone
This thing called dread
Stuck in my head

Walking the walk

Walk the walk and talk the talk.I'm much better at talking the talk than walking the walk.Let me explain.Talking about being a Christian here. Can give lip service which is no big deal.Say this say that to the point I feel like a hypocrite.

Now walking the walk is a different thing.I'm not talking about the physical act of walking.Doing what you preach,putting into motion things talked about.Doing whats right,good and living sin free.That is walking the walk.

The Lord knows my heart and I am trying.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

If I wanted to

If I wanted to
I could make you cry
With things I could write
If I wanted to
I could show you my pain
With things I could write
If I wanted to
I could let you see my fears
With things I could write
If I wanted to
I could show you my tears
With things I could write
If I wanted to


Big airplane in the sky
Day and night
I see them fly
Silver and shiny
Them airplanes be
From where I'm at none look tiny
Where they going
Where they been
I wonder who's on them


Popcorn good
Sure was great
Big bag I just ate
No salt it had
Butter was plenty
Did have sugar
It was sweet
If I had Twitter
This I would tweet


I don't Facebook
I don't Twitter
Don't get mad
Don't get bitter
Done been deleted
Done lost some friends
I will say sorry
Though much belated
Can't be helped
I do hate it

Officer Don

Officer Don and the Popeye Club.WSB TV channel 2 weekday afternoons is where you could find me.This was in the 1950's.

Popeye cartoons and silly games like ewww we gooey.I was looking up a picture of another childhood memory,Bestoink Dooley when I seen this.Late 50's Officer Don came to LaGrange Theater on Main Street and of course I had to go.Daddy took me.This was at the old show as we called the movies back then.

Great movies like To Kill A Mockingbird,Swiss Family Robinson,war movies staring John Wayne in The Longest Day.A simpler and more innocent time.


Bright is the sun
This Sunday morn
Day just begun
Hope it will bring
Us all good things

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wilie Coyote

Wilie Coyote.I can relate with my old Saturday morning friend.Many times I found myself cheering for him in his endeavors of trying to catch Roadrunner.He should have bought stock in the Acme company because he tried everything they offered in his quest of catching ole beep beep.

So I guess being the underdog like Wilie Coyote does not pay off.But this I know is true.Bet there are a lot of people out there like me who always,just a little bit,for one time,wish Wilie could catch Roadrunner just that once.

What I am

I'm a redneck
Yes it's true
Born down south
That's no doubt

Them old trucks
Dirty full of rust
20 gauge pump in the back
Sitting neatly in a rack

In my pocket 40 cal Glock
Just in case I need to clean your clock
My jeans I do wear
Don't matter if they got a tear

White T's with smeared with grease
Not my style wearing fleece
Chew backy and dip snuffy
I'm not fat just kinda fluffy

Bubba is my dawg
When riding in da truck
Give Bubba some room
Don't be a hawg

Redneck I am
Redneck I be
What I am
Is what ya see

Friday, August 3, 2012

I don't qualify

Throw the first stone
This I can't do
I don't qualify
How about you
This I can't do
I don't qualify
How about you

Thursday, August 2, 2012

With God at my side

Never have I wondered
Why God hasn't healed me
Not His will
Not His plan
So it wont be
Never could I be mad
Yes at times
I'm sad
This I know
All for a reason
At times I don't understand
But there is a plan
Brighter day
On the way
No more tears
No more fears
Not alone
With God at my side
Take it all in stride
He touched with His hand
I will trust in His plan


Cheetos I do like
Mess with mine
We do fight
I bop you here
I bop you there
Even muss up your hair
Cheetos I do like
Don't mess with mine
You do that
We get along just fine

Some things

Some things I see
Some things I hear
Some more than I can bare
Some things happy
Some things sad
Some things just bad
Some things wrong
Some things right
Some things make you fight
Some things true
Some people lie
Some people like you

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Where should I start
At times you broke my heart
I looked up to you
Just made me blue
After all this time
It's still on my mind