Saturday, August 25, 2012

Stormy mood

I have this need to write today.But the subject escapes me at the moment.Can't focus on one thing all these thoughts are going through my brain.I'm going a hundred miles per hour and spinning my wheels.

I'm just taking in everything around me.Hummingbirds outside my window have took up a lot of my attention today.Two of them flirting around the feeder doing what who knows .Are they fighting,flirting or just playing.Reminds me of a pair on a seesaw back and forth.

My mood today I would call stormy. A good day for a rain.That would be fun just laying back watching it come down.Might get that chance next week because some tropical storms are down south and headed this way.No floods or hurricanes please thank you.

Oh well maybe later something interesting will come to me.Till then this will have to do.

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