Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm a liar

Late at night
Can't sleep
Might as well
Try to write
Something witty
Maybe bright
I find it fun
Something years ago
I should have done
Never amount to anything
Been told
Now I'm old
Nothing to prove
A way to pass the day
Can't be taken away
On radio Doors play
Music from
Back in the day
Not sleepy yet
Up all night
A good bet
Doors they inspire
Not really
I'm a liar
Time to close
Starting to doze


I'm in a mood
Is that bad
Don't we all get sad
Ain't ya crazy if always glad
Someone asked if depressed
Might be why I don't know
Nothing bothering me I can say
Could be this
Could be that
Maybe it's just the day


Things I seen
Things I done
Some bring shame
I'm to blame
Always unsure
Always insecure
Way I am
Don't speak up
Don't shout out
What life is about
Always wrong
Never right
I'm to blame

Monday, July 30, 2012

Blue tail lights

Blue tail lights
On a dark night
Such a pretty sight
Where you going
Where you been
On your machine
Road ahead
Behind you
Blue tail lights
On a dark night
Such a pretty sight

Walker Texas Ranger

Walker Texas Ranger
I watch him on TV
Walker he do fight
But between you and me
Walker not to bright
Badmen they pull guns
But Walker will do this
He do that kung fu thang
Using his feet and fists


With salt and butter
I sure like em
But can make my heart flutter
Heart attack grits they called
Don't get em to soupy or thick
Be sure to stir em with a stick
Make mine hot
Make a big pot
Never get hungry
When grits we got

When I die

Bury me in my jeans
When I die
Old and faded will be ok
For me no suit or tie
Clean white pocket T
Way I want it to be
Don't forget my black sneakers
No socks needed
Comfy even in death I say
I want to be ready
For judgement day

Biscuits and taters

Fry me some taters
That would be great
Pile em high on my plate
Crispy brown salt for taste
None will go to waste
Bake some biscuits
Brown and fluffy
Biscuits and taters
Oh my
So good they make you cry

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Women on choppers

Women on choppers
Dont mess with them
Women on choppers
Can be mean
Women on choppers
Like to fight
Women on choppers
Kick scratch hit and bite
Women on choppers

Could woop me any day
Women on choppers
Cute as can be
Women on choppers
This I say
Women on choppers
Make my day

In my dreams

Coconuts and shells
From the sea
Down to the ocean
I'd rather be
Them swaying palms
So delightful to see
Grass hut on beach
Warm sand under feet
Oh such a treat
In my dreams
I can go
Laying back
Just going with the flow


Wont complain
Wont gripe
This global warming thing
Might not be hype
Hot it was
Hot it is
Summer I once liked
Now I wish
For cooler days
Of falling leaves
Of bundled hay
Smell of wood smoke
Them days come soon
Bring on the harvest moon
This I hope


Your beauty your smile
The evil in your heart
It can't hide
I see through you
The veil you wear
Your long blond hair
Eyes of brown and so tall
Evil shows through it all

Saturday, July 28, 2012

103 in the hood

103 in the hood
That don't sound good
103 what the thermometer do say
Waiting on cooler day
Lucky we have AC
Some that lucky can't be
103 in the hood
Thankful AC cooling like it should
Igloo made of ice
Right now feel nice
Get out the hose pipe
Cure our need to gripe
That would feel good if we could
103 in the hood

Rabbit named Charlie

Rabbit named Charlie
Charlie had this thing
He thought he was a human being
Charlie rode big Harleys
Long floppy ears and two flat feet
Charlie had never been beat
Then he met a turtle named Rhonda
You guessed it you are ahead of me
Yes Rhonda rode a Honda
There comes a time in every rabbits life
When he thinks of a wife
Now you got it wrong
I know what your thinking
Charlie and Rhonda didn't get to gather
Rhonda fell for another fella
His name was Mr Wong
Mr Wong was from Hong Kong
Rhonda who rode a Honda
And Mr Wong from Hong Kong
They got married
A son they did got
His name they did call
Now naming him this took some gall
Have you guessed his name
Yes you where right
Rhonda who rode a Honda
And Mr Wong
Named him King Kong
Son of Rhonda and Mr Wong

The thin short line

The short thin line
Between love and hate
The short thin line
It do separate mates
The thin short line
Makes all your words sound unkind
The thin short line
Sometimes it makes love blind
The thin short line
Hate a waste of time

Lets go

Lets go get in the car
Away we travel away real far
To the beach on this hot day
Don't that sound ok
Better yet how bout this
A cool riverboat ride down the Mis a sip
Truth of the matter be
Think I'll just stay here under the AC

Heaven to me

Heaven to me
This is how it be
Sunday dinner on the ground
All my family around

Kin long since gone
Now all at home
Shaded by the old oak tree
This is how it be

Grandpas Grandmas others I never met
Oh how I think that would be sweet
Heaven to me
That's how it would be


Alone all by myself
Alone my heart I put on a shelf
Alone maybe it's for the best
Alone time to give it a rest

Memory of you

My memory of you
Fading fast
Your face I can't see
One of those things that didn't last
My memory of you
Now just something of the past
Your face I can't see
Never thought this would be

Friday, July 27, 2012

You know the type

It's almost night
Not quite
But close enough
What should I write
Maybe about how things are getting tough
We all know that
Don't have to be bright
I know a subject
It's about those people who are always right
You know the type
Their dog would never bite
My way or the highway
Them folks can take a hike

Bike of my dreams

Honda 750
Bike of my dreams
They where so cool
I did drool
Man they sounded good
When cruising the hood
Metallic colors of purple and green
As us old folks say they sure were keen
But those were of years ago
Them days never see no mo

Try kindness and love

Every thing I see
Can be poetry to me
The way you walk
The way you talk
No need being sad
No need being mad
Try make things good
Least try we should
Eyes windows of the soul
Least what I've been told
Careful what you say
Words can make or break
Try kindness and love
Really that's all it takes

Save the day

Clouds black blue white
Sky a beautiful sight
Trees swaying with the breeze
Rain on way
It's what we need
Way behind on rain
Causing farmers lots of pain
Only way out would be a hurricane
Rain would be gained
Wish there was another way
To save the day

Happy day

A month of Sundays
Dog day afternoons
Happens every blue moon
Blueberry winter
Indian summer
Birds of a feather
Flock togather
Whats wrong is right
Whats right now wrong
Father knows best
Momma said not to come
Don't cry over spilt milk
Whats done is done
Cats away mice will play
Have a happy day

Twinkling of an eye

Watch the eastern sky
Listen for sound of the trumpet
Be ready
Hour or day not known
Dead in Christ will rise from grave
All else gathered up
Meeting in the sky
All in the twinkling of an eye

A better day

Laying here in bed
Glad I'm not dead
Some not with luck
Sun and moon never to see again
Missed by all their friends
I tell you true
Don't be blue
A better time on the way
It could happen any day
Don't feel sad
When things get bad
Smile and be glad
A better day is to be had

Thursday, July 26, 2012

If ya don't mind

Three words I have to say
Chili cheese fries
A big plate would make my day
So my homies in da hood
This is what would be so good
If ya got some spare cash
Won't ya make a dash
Cruise right over to Checkers if ya don't mind
Big plate of chili cheese fries if ya be so kind


Big colorful loud with lots of chrome
Those Harleys they do roam
Up down the road they go
Most look like just for show
For me a Harley with training wheels would work
But that's not cool I would look like a dork
Wish I may wish I might
Maybe I could get a trike

Pine tree

As I watch the Pine tree sway
I think to myself what a beautiful day
Way up high
Headed for the big blue sky
Georgia Pines from the mountains to the sea
A more delightful sight there can't be
Whisper of the wind through the trees
Oh how wonderful on a summers eve

You never gave up on me

Lord I need your wisdom and blessings today
For this I do pray
That I will be a light to those I meet
With love kindness I want to speak
At times I fall short
But by your blood I've been bought
Even at times your love I fought
Not now I thought
You never gave up on me Lord
Many I have failed
But you Lord never was ashamed
With you I had no blame


Georgia I'm born and raised
Never can I give enough praise
Mountains to the sea
Georgia is the place for me
Aroma of Formosa fills the air
On a summer eve takes away my cares
Brown Thrashers and the Pines
Can there be a better find
Georgia is my home
Never again will I roam

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jesus my Lord

God is good
This we all know
Jesus His son died for our sins
So we might live again
Jesus did cry
I'm sure he didn't want to die
Oh my Lord think of his pain
But think of what we gained
At times I feel unworthy and want to cry
But then I think of Jesus
He loves us so much he gladly did die
Writing this my eyes fill with tears
Jesus my Lord takes away my fears


Sure need some rain
Price of groceries will be a pain
Tomatoes cucumbers price is high
Some won't be able to buy
Best if you grow your own
Least give it a try
Watermelons I seen on truck
Remember when they cost a buck
I like onions and peas
They are what I need
Buttermilk and cornbread
That's what us Po folks are fed
Taters fried on a plate
Something no one hates
Turnip and collards they are green
My favorites they are keen
Veggies I always ate
Never ever was it up for debate

Monday, July 23, 2012

Food in the hood

Food in the hood
Today it sure was good
Surprised us all
I sure had a ball
Steak sandwich and onion rings
I sure like those things

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tale of the turkey

Turkey no more
Never to fly again
Turkey now in a can
Never again to fly
Turkey go bye bye
Car hit turkey it did splatter
Turkey now served on a platter
So Ms J
What can you say
The turkey
Wasn't his lucky day

Deja Vu

I had the strongest feeling Check Spellingof having been here done that before this morning.It felt like a blanket being tossed over me.It was a weird feeling.Often in our lives we have that odd feeling of reliving a moment in our life.Deja Vu.It doesn't happen very often to me but at times that feeling will get my attention.I can't say that reincarnation is real or not but tales of people knowing their past life's are well known.Often a vision of a tall Oak tree will pop into my head.It must be summer time because the tree is loaded with leaves and it looks so inviting on a hot day just to rest under it's shade.I have this strong feeling that there is a grave under that tree.My grave. Where I was buried during the Civil War.I even know the town it's located in.Roanoke,Alabama.Maybe these things are glimpses of the past or something else,what I don't know.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Once you called me OCD
At the time it didn't matter to me
So I like things in order
Every thing had to be so so
Not just scattered about the floor
Neat as a pin
Now tell me whats wrong with that?
By the way hang up your hat
Do as you want as you like
Because I see different don't tell me take a hike
Don't tell me whats wrong whats right
I can figure it out at times I'm bright
So as this comes to an end
I will try to mend and bend
Really cant you be just my friend


This is getting weird
I have this need to rhyme
Even though it's strange at times
I try controlling my urge
But out of my system I must purge
Whats going on I wonder
Maybe I should stop now
Before a blunder

Killing time

When it rains
Some have pain
Ain't things strange
Chickens grown on the range
Are they better than ones on the plains
Questions I have
Why do folks behave bad
That hot dog last night was the best I've had
Guess it's all true
So guess no need to be blue
Now this is getting silly
I had a cousin named Billy
Just killing time here
Nothing better to do
So my friend what about you?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ode to the hot dog

A poem for the hot dog
I will write it for my blog
No I wasn't a hog
Some can eat many
One for me was plenty
Bought by Ms R
Brought to my room by Ms C
Microwaved by Ms B
Oh so good it hit the spot
Just right for me it was hot
Hot dog in a bun
Such simple fun
Thank you Ms R
Thank you Ms C
Thank you Ms B
I would write more
But rhyming is a chore
And I'm short of time
But the hot dog was fine

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A day in the life

A day for me.Around 5 am the nurse comes around checking if we are still kicking.No really that is when we get our first finger pricking of the day checking our sugar level and if we need some insulin or if our sugar has dropped and we need something to bring it up.I get my best sleep from then till around 7 am when the CNA of the day comes in seeing if we need anything.They are our Angels we depend on them so much.I do for just about everything.Around 8 am our well least my favorite meal of the day,breakfast.I choose to have grits,scrambled eggs,bacon with biscuit or pancakes or french toast.2 cups of coffee,black,no sugar for me and OJ rounds it out.I'm a late riser and usually have my lunch here in my room.Lunch can vary and is ok most of the time.Lately my favorite and most desired lunch is a country fried steak sandwich with battered fried okra a strange combo but really good.Tea,sweet tea of course and iced,coffee and a soda if you want with a desert of some type and that is lunch.There are sorts of things to do if you choose.Something every day.A trip or just a party celebrating a special day,birthday or holiday.I will admit my favorite are things like chili day,dip day with those margaritas,non alcoholic of course.The other day we had fried green tomatoes as a snack grown right here in the garden with a biscuit and I think homemade fig preserves.By this time if I'm going to get up I do.A lot of days for me just laying here looking out the window watching the goings on is enough for me.I know most would be bored out of their gord by now but really it suits my personality.Around 5 pm supper arrives and like lunch it can vary.My favorite is the meatloaf,cornbread,with collards.If I'm up around or a bit after 7 pm when the next shift of Nurses and CNA's check in I'm ready for the bed where I can relax.Till I fall asleep I try to be creative and write some.So there you have it my friend,a day in the life of me at TFH.

Another day

Oh boy.Stormy day.Rainy night in Georgia.Rain it did.Wind blew yes.Hail peppered cars yep.Power was lost for an hour.A tree down was the culprit I heard.The emergency generator came on and there was light but not in the rooms here at TFH.Right at supper time all this took place.Now back in my room after a good hot shower relaxing and listening to some old Beatles music.So another day of excellence is coming to an end.


Days are long
Nights are longer
Time does drag
Time goes fast
It's the beginning
Or is it the end

Monday, July 16, 2012

Why I did it

Why I did it.The plunge was taken.A drastic move on my part.I shaved my beard.A moustache and goatee is all that's left.The reasons for shaving are.My roomies are having a hard time sleeping because I reminded them of Charles Manson.Some unknown person or persons shaved it off while I was sleeping.I committed a crime and this is my disguise.I noticed myself in the mirror yesterday and gee I looked like Grizzly Adams.But the number one reason I shaved is a mistake was made while trimming it so I had to do something.So take your choice why I shaved.I would go with the last reason.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Redneck being poetic

I'm a redneck
Yes it's true
Nascar is ok
Does that make you blue?
But keep your snuff and backy
That stuff will make you wacky
I like me grits
That is just pure bliss
Taters and cornbread with pink eye peas
Sure better than being stung by bees
I say CoCola you say Pop
I can eat BBQ till I drop
I sit in a cheer
And I sleep on the flo
Make sure when you leave to shut the doe
Sitting by the winder I watch you drive
Boy it gives me hives
The sky is blue
That we know as true
Yes I'm a redneck it's confirmed
Tell the truth now
How about you?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Poodles and Abe Lincoln

Big fluffy white clouds moving from the east to the west.Guess they are coming from the Atlantic Ocean.Making faces out of the clouds is a way to past time for me.Animals mostly dogs are easily seen.Poodles are abundant for some reason.Abe Lincoln is another image in the clouds noticed alot.What it all means who knows.Maybe it's just something to write about on a slow moving hot summer Saturday.Maybe it's a cover for what I'm really feeling.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Harleys in the rain

The sun is shining.It's thundering.We have rain.The hummingbirds are fluttering around their feeder.Friday 13th.I'm looking out the big window watching traffic on 29 as I wait on supper.You know,for some reason those guys on the big loud Harleys don't look so cool in the rain.Maybe I'm jealous of them.It seems like so much fun riding with the wind in your face.Like it was when I was a kid on my bicycle but with all that horsepower.


Booooo! Enjoy your Friday the 13th.Maybe this is why I have been dreaming of little black kitty cats.They have always had a special place in my heart.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Those brown eyes and that smile

It must be true.I have heard that when we get older we take enjoyment in thinking of the past.

I sure do because lately I've been doing a lot of it.Today and on a few other occasions I get a wif of my favorite cologne as a young teenager.English Leather.It takes me back to another time.Almost a flashback of things I felt and did back then.

It takes me back to High School and a girl.Her name was Mary Alice.I was so shy,awful shy.We never had any classes to gather and my only connection with her was the hallways during class changing and the lunch room.

Just shared glimpses.Those brown eyes and that smile I can see now.Once she spoke to me saying hi.I can remember stuttering and stammering out the words hi back to her.Often I have wondered what if.What if I had been brave enough and not so shy.

So after all these years I still think of those days of passing by Mary Alice in the hall.If only I could live my life over.

Another breathing human being

I just read where a woman kept her dead husband in the house so she would not be alone.She just wanted someone to talk to and watch TV with her.I have been lonely in my life at times and it can be miserable.Like a song says just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm lonely.At times I enjoy the peace and quiet and solitude of just being by myself.Then again it sure is nice being around people for that fellowship we all need.To connect with another breathing human being..

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Make her mad Daddy

My Daddy was what you called a sewing machine mechanic at the mill.There was one woman who was never satisfied with the way her machine run.Daddy would work on it but she was never pleased.She would bless Daddy out,putting it mild,but later on she would be remorseful.Never would she apologize to Daddy but instead she would bake a cake and tell him to give Johnny(me) this cake.So to make a long story short every so often I would say Daddy we need cake time to make her mad again.


Hawk in sky
Hawk flying high
Hawk is free
Hawk I want to be

Monday, July 9, 2012

Made by elves

Everyone has a dream or fantasy.

Some dream of money,love or fame.Mine is a bit more simpler and down to earth.

I think.

Here goes,my deepest darkest desire of my heart.

I like cookies.Chocolate chip cookies the hard kind.Dunk them in my coffee or buttermilk and talk of something good.

Daily the Keebler cookie truck passes by my window.Keebler you remember are the cookies made by elves.

My fantasy is this.The cookie truck stops on the road in front of me.The driver gets out looks up the road then down the road and looks in my direction waves and smiles.

He walks to the back of the big cookie truck and opens it up.Again he looks around seeing if he is being noticed and waves at me again.Inside the truck he disappears and shortly returns.

In his hands I see it.

A case of Keebler made by elves chocolate chip cookies just made for dunking.He points to me and then runs to the big bush by the roadside.

There Mr cookie man leaves his prize.A whole case of Keebler chocolate chip cookies just for me.

Now I just need someone to run down to the big bush by the road and claim my prize.I will gladly share with you.

Just wait till the Mr coffee truck passes and leaves us some Folgers original roast coffee.

Like magic

Nighttime can be the worse time it seems.I'm talking about pain.What ever the reason and I'm sure there is one, pain or any kind of sickness is worse at night when you are trying to sleep.Blessed is me because pain has skipped me for most of my life till recently.My feet.They hurt.It feels like my heels are digging into the bed and they must be because I have rubbed spots on them.And my ankles are the same way.It is not the worst pain but when trying to sleep it's just enough to keep me awake.Here at the home,Twin Fountains, the wound nurse has me wearing these boots that are helping alot.They are big elephant feet looking things that wrap around your feet like a big comfy pillow.Before I was wearing what I called my Herman Munster boots.They where also like braces for keeping my legs straight.If you have ever stepped into a red ant nest you know what my pain is like.Being a diabetic I have to be careful with my feet.Wounds don't heal good sometimes and that can lead to big problems.So this would be a good research problem for the scientists out there maybe they can figure out why pain is worse at night.Let the sun rise and like magic the pain disappears.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I want a ride !

New video offers a remarkable space trip for those grounded by reality

Tales from the big window

Tales from the big window.Not much is going on which is ok with me.Lazy day I just stayed in bed.Thursday around midnight a thunder boomer woke me up with some of the hardest rain I've seen lately.Sheets of rain and the road was like a little pond and cars where causing rooster tails pushing the water out of the way.It was a fast and hard rain and most likely won't help peoples gardens.What we need is a slow soaking all day rain.The thunder and lighting was nice.The 4th was a good day.BBQ,baked beans and watermelon.Can you say (I Ate To Much).Later round dark I watched the fireworks from the big window.All said and done I really can't complain.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The thrown away

A rainy day,white lines on the edge of the road flying by.Windshield wipers moving to a beat that hypnotizes.This feeling of sadness and no hope comes over me.For an instant I felt like the dog who was no longer wanted being left on the side of the road.Once loved and now confused, scared, all alone.How sad for the unloved,unwanted, thrown away of the world.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Chester Cheetos

Chester Cheetos is a friend of mine
I have him over all the time
Cheesy and crunchy oh so good
Chester is welcome to my hood
My friend Ms J brings him by
Even when I'm sleeping he stops in and says hi
Cheesy and crunchy oh so good
Chester is welcome to my hood

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

If I get out of here alive

July 4th 1975 I was laying in a hospital bed at Crawford W Long on Peachtree Street Atlanta,Georgia.

I was having tests run on me trying to figure out what was going on in my body.Falling daily now and getting weaker.

Least I had a good view right on one of the busiest streets downtown Atlanta.

23 years old and I had just about convinced myself my life was over.The neurologist was having the test done on me.A human pin cushion I felt like with needles stuck in every part of my body hooked up to an oscilloscope.What seemed like every few hours nurses would come in taking huge doses of blood from me.Down to the OR a muscle biopsy was done.

From a Sunday to Friday I was there.All alone with plenty of time to ponder and think things over.

From my window I could see the sales lot of a Pontiac dealer.I got this big idea and that idea was if I get out of this alive I'm going to buy me a brand new Firebird Trans Am.

Black and blue and sore I left the hospital.

Back to LaGrange.

September of 1976 comes around and the new cars are out.Shopping around I found out that the insurance on a Trans Am for a 23 year old was ridiculous.So I settled for a 76 Formula 400 Firebird.They where just like the Trans Ams sorta.Golden rod yellow with an orange stripe across the top and down the sides.Black interior with a 8 track tape player.For those who don't know what 8 track players are don't ask .It looked liked a bumble bee someone told me.I never drove it to work but drove an old 1946 Dodge pickup which is another story it's self.

So tomorrow is another July 4th.This is a story of one of mine in the past.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stolen watermelons

Watermelon time of the year.Red meat yellow meat watermelons,sweet and delicious.The 4th of July is coming up and I'm not sure of this but it would be my guess that more watermelon is ate on that day than any other.I only know the names of two types of watermelons,Stone Mountain and Moon and Stars.Yellow meat watermelon are always a treat because we never had them often.As a little boy I remember Grandpa Haynes walking his field in disgust at the small size of his watermelons he grew that year.Daddy always said a stolen watermelon chilled in a cold creek was the best on a hard day of farming on a hot blistering Alabama day.Right now I think a stolen or store bought watermelon would hit the spot.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


The year 2000 at the stroke of midnight,Y2K, the world was to change.Some even thought it would end.Computers would stop working,planes falling from the sky,ATM’s wouldn’t work.We would be thrown back into the dark ages with everyone trying to survive eating our food rations that where stored up for th

at day.No more TV,power companies would leave us in the dark,no more Walmart.It would be almost like day one,a new beginning for the world.I was looking out the window,me and Sam, my cat as we listened to the New Year being counted in on TV.At the stroke of midnight,the year 2000,I watched fireworks from my window over downtown LaGrange.For a fleeting instance I thought what if the experts where right,this could be the end of the world as we know it.But as you know and remember all was well,nothing happened,we lived to talk of it.All I really know is I had a case of this a case of that of canned food left to eat and enough candles to light an airport runway.You know.Why take a chance.It could have happened.