Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A day in the life

A day for me.Around 5 am the nurse comes around checking if we are still kicking.No really that is when we get our first finger pricking of the day checking our sugar level and if we need some insulin or if our sugar has dropped and we need something to bring it up.I get my best sleep from then till around 7 am when the CNA of the day comes in seeing if we need anything.They are our Angels we depend on them so much.I do for just about everything.Around 8 am our well least my favorite meal of the day,breakfast.I choose to have grits,scrambled eggs,bacon with biscuit or pancakes or french toast.2 cups of coffee,black,no sugar for me and OJ rounds it out.I'm a late riser and usually have my lunch here in my room.Lunch can vary and is ok most of the time.Lately my favorite and most desired lunch is a country fried steak sandwich with battered fried okra a strange combo but really good.Tea,sweet tea of course and iced,coffee and a soda if you want with a desert of some type and that is lunch.There are sorts of things to do if you choose.Something every day.A trip or just a party celebrating a special day,birthday or holiday.I will admit my favorite are things like chili day,dip day with those margaritas,non alcoholic of course.The other day we had fried green tomatoes as a snack grown right here in the garden with a biscuit and I think homemade fig preserves.By this time if I'm going to get up I do.A lot of days for me just laying here looking out the window watching the goings on is enough for me.I know most would be bored out of their gord by now but really it suits my personality.Around 5 pm supper arrives and like lunch it can vary.My favorite is the meatloaf,cornbread,with collards.If I'm up around or a bit after 7 pm when the next shift of Nurses and CNA's check in I'm ready for the bed where I can relax.Till I fall asleep I try to be creative and write some.So there you have it my friend,a day in the life of me at TFH.

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