Monday, July 12, 2010


It's Monday.Rain and thunder which is great because it has been so hot and muggy lately.One of my favorite things to do is sitting on the screened in back porch on a summer night during a thunder storm.From the porch I have a clear view of the northern sky.Being over the tree tops I can see lighting miles away.Storms have never bothered me.When I worked at the water filter plant for a local mill at times during a storm it would be real interesting.The pumps where located at the river and during a storm the control panel would light up like a Christmas tree with bells a ringing.If the pump shut down I would have to drive over to the mill and put them on city water.Standing at the bottom of a hundred foot water tower with lightning popping around my head didn't phase me a bit.In 1995 my first and only hurricane came through town.It was Hurricane Opal.It was about 9pm when it hit here,I was in bed already with the window up in my bedroom.The wind was howling and trees,power poles came down like match sticks.But silly me I just rolled over and went to sleep.Power was out for a week.I almost burnt the house down.I had left a candle burning inside a tin can.I awoke later that night with alarm ringing,I thought power had came back on and it was the microwave beeping. I was wrong it was the smoke alarms,the candle inside the can had melted the candle holder and was smoking up the kitchen.I was lucky or my guardian Angel was with me that night.

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