Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Father and Son

I was 12 years old the first time me and Daddy went to a dirt track stock car race.From that moment we where hooked.Some Dad's take their son hunting or fishing but our thing to gather was going to races.On Wednesday nights we went to practice,on Friday it was races,same on Saturday night and Sunday.yep we spent a lot of time traveling around Georgia and Alabama on weekends going to the races.Most of the time there would be a car load of us kids and Daddy.Daddy took me hunting twice.Once when I was about 7 I think.It was fall of the year and we where sitting leaned up against a tree.Out of the corner of my eye I seen a snake,it's tongue flickering a few feet from us slithering toward us.I said Daddy there is a snake,that was enough,he out ran me back to the car,leaving me trailing him and to top it off he had the gun.Once we where fishing in the Chattahoochee river,on the banks,my uncle was on rocks in the middle of the river.Anyway something was on my line,it was big,to my surprise Daddy jumped into the river,water up to his chest to get what ever was on my line,to his and my disappointment it was only a sucker fish not a big bass or catfish Daddy had thought it was.So that brings me back to races.That was what we both enjoyed and that is where we bonded as Father and Son.

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