Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Ok what shall I do today.It's way to hot for anything outside,dang temps near 100degs and what ever the heat index is I have no idea.Heat index windchill those are new terms that people use today.If it's hot it's just that hot same way with cold.So no need to fancy up the temperature with some new fangled word.I will admit that hot weather doesn't bother me that much,I rarely sweat and that is bad I've heard.Only time hot muggy weather bothers me is when trying to sleep and you can't because it's so uncomfortable.A few years ago during an ice storm power was lost for a few days.No heat and boy did it get cold.Laying in bed covered with blankets,my coat and wearing a hat I could not get warm.I dreaded having to get up.I missed all the modern convinces,most of all hot coffee.I got tired of tuna fish and peanut butter sandwiches and no not togather but seperate,I'm strange but even I would'nt do that.I missed TV,computers,lights,hot food and that wonderful sound of the central heat coming on.Yeah I'm just a big spoiled baby.

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