Thursday, January 8, 2015

I want to be a Walton

Laying here in my warm cozy bed,sipping lukewarm buttermilk eating soda crackers I'm thinking.

After watching a couple of Waltons reruns on TV I've decided they should adopt me.

Yep I want to be a Walton.

All that love,all those brothers and sisters,Momma and Papa,Grandma and Grandpa living in that 2 story house.

I know it just TV and they are just actors but at times that show brings a tear to my eye.

I think they might have room for one more.

Being an only child I dearly wanted brothers and sisters.Really those that had siblings maybe I was just a little jealous of.

I can just hear it now...goodnight John Boy...goodnight John Boy number 2...goodnight everyone!!!

Happy birthday

102Happy birthday Momma and Daddy the same to you.

Hard to imagine both of you being 89 years old.

I don’t have to write a cutesy story about how much I miss or post on some social media my love for you.

Both of you are in my thoughts daily.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Grandpa was Mr Sherman

I think the Yankee chef over at the hospital is still fighting the war of Yankee aggression.

He must be Mr Sherman's great great grandson.

What his Grandpa didn't destroy on that march from Atlanta to the sea he is doing with these meals he plans.

The South had Kudzu as it's secret weapon,he is using baked fish,cauliflower and a wheat roll as his.

We can survive this

Help us.

It's going to get cold.

The wind is blowing.

It might snow.

We gonna die!

Winter in Dixie.

Go to the store now buy bread,milk and your favorite canned meat.If it snows you could be trapped in your house for hours maybe a whole day.Don't panic.

Wear your ear muffs even in the house not because it's cold but to drown out your children's constant pitter patter to the window looking for that one lone snowflake which will mean school will be closed for least a week.

The grownups won't be so lucky your employer will come get you for work in a 4 wheel drive Jeep but you gotta get your self home the best way you can.Tip,carry a few Snicker bars in coat pocket,the colder it gets the hungrier you will be.

Mom's are cooking chili and vegetable soups storing them away cause it's going to get cold and that's what Southerner's are programmed to eat when it gets cold.

Stay calm this to shall pass.

We Southern folks can put up with hot summers,floods,tornadoes,hurricanes,pesky skeeters and even a invasion by those Yankees a hundred years and something ago.

We can survive this also.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I want some Krystals.

Four of them and some fries please.That's all nothing else needed.

My appetite is waining,nothing tastes good anymore.

Have I reached that point in my life I've always heard about that your tastes changes as one gets older?

Sunday here at Hotel California on the menu for supper was a hamburger.After one bite I couldn't eat anymore of it.Maybe they are using turkey like in the bacon and sausage.And get this little boiled potatoes called baby bakers are served with the burgers.No fries that's un American!

Something has changed,me or the food.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mod Squad

Full time redneck part time TV critic.

That's me.

The new TV season doesn't interest me much except for Shelby the swamp man and that new show(haven't really seen it yet)about funeral directors by day wrestlers by night.Dying to see it.

So I'm forced to go back in time and review a classic TV program from the 60's.

The Mod Squad.

Three hipsters from the peace and love generation play undercover police people.Back in the day they where lovingly refereed to as narcs.

There is this white dude who I can't remember what his name is,a black dude with a giant afro named Linc and Julie a brown eyed long haired blond who is pretty.

The white dude takes everything serious and Linc with the afro never smiles but Julie is beautiful.

I don't think they are old enough to carry guns cause I never see them with one Julie is gorgeous.

So this is the short review version of The Mod Squad where Julie is as they use to say is a Foxy Lady.

My next review will be on the Avengers.A British TV series with some old guy and Ms Peel who is pretty.

Curious picky


I've been called that all my life.

Just because I don't eat the foods others like.

Mr Burton who was my roomie was the same way.He lived till he was almost 97 years old.People would grouch on him to eat his peas,chicken or what ever was on his plate but he only wanted(Little Debbie) oatmeal pies.

I'm almost a 100 years old and this is what I want to eat he would say.

I agree Mr B.

Big white butter beans

Big white butter beans,corn bread and potato salad.

Does it get any better?

Someone brought me a care package from home(thank you,thank you,thank you) and today that's going to be my lunch and supper.

Friday, January 2, 2015

East Reynolds and Main

The corner of East Reynolds and Main Street East Newnan,Georgia is where my thoughts are tonight.

It started earlier today while watching old TV programs on the internet from the 1960's.

The Invaders,Perry Mason,Patty Duke Show on and on nothing but memories.

I closed my eyes and I was back there.My room on a cold blustery day the heat from a gas space heater making the room cozy and dozy.Sitting in front of a 23 inch black and white console TV watching the Beaver.

About 5 pm waiting for the ding ding of the ice cream man who had hot dogs and chips and soda fountain Cokes which would be supper a few times each week.That smell of hot dogs being roasted from the butane roaster makes me crave a few right now.

Momma was work at the mill on the 2nd shift.Daddy was sleeping cause he worked the 3rd.

As I write this on a cold rainy Friday night I'm wishing I was back there on the corner of East Reynolds and Main in that cozy dozy room.