Saturday, August 16, 2014

Nothing matters anymore

This is heavy on my heart today.


I was talking with another resident yesterday about family.

Or in the case of some of us the lack of.

I have none really,just in name only.

I know people are busy,got their own life to live and really I'm fine with it if they never come around.

Maybe I'm still holding a grudge about the way most of Momma's and Daddy's kin deserted her when she was suffering that dreaded disease of dementia.

Seven years she suffered and I  was the only one there for her.You know many nights sleep was only a word.It sure would have been nice for a helping hand at times,maybe just to sit with her so I could catch a few minutes of sleep not worrying she would wonder off.

A few minutes just to relax would have been precious to me.

Don't think I'm mad cause I'm not.

Seen the same thing happen with my Grandma.People desert you when the going gets rough.

Smile it's ok.

Like my Daddy always said(if they can live with it he could live without it).

So stop your kitchen table judging and gossip you know nothing of me.

Nothing matters anymore.

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