Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Po side of the building

Here at the OFH a long hall and locking doors separate the North side and the South side of the building.

Those locking swinging doors are like the Mason/Dixion Line.

The South side where I humbly reside is affectionately called the Po side,the Dirty South or as I call it the Projects.

We Be Po is our motto and it's written with a Sharpie pen on a used piece of cardboard and hangs at the entrance of the south side.

Maybe you could call it a you have been warned enter at own risk sign.

Just because it tends to get a little rowdy over here at times there is no reason to shun us.We be just like the North side folks ...well that's not exactly true.

One day I took a trip over to the rich North side just to see if the things my friend Gary J. had told me were true.He told me over there on the snack cart they got chocolate milk,V8 vegetable juice,yogurt and other things we Po side folks never even thought of.

Oh how quiet it was over there on the North side of the building.Little ole ladies sitting around a table discussing politics or reading poems aloud to each other or something I don't know.Being the friendly talky type I said hello Ladies nice day we're having.

Well I know at times I  can look unkempt and maybe a little scary but I always wear my Old Spice high endurance deodorant so I  won't offend but those little ole Ladies stared and hissed and whispered to each other saying he one of "THEM".

Even my good friend Gary J.shunned me and quickly ducked into his room pretending I was unknown to him as I frantically raised my good arm waving in a gesture of friendliness calling his name loudly.

Yes Dear ones I JohnLee learned a valuable lesson that day.

Stay with people who understand you and think as you do and never try to hob nob with them rich North side folks again.

Over here in the projects is were I  belong,were little ole gray headed Ladies cruise around in their chrome and black chariots looking for another victim to throw ice cold water on,someone to fight and fuss with,were there is a constant roar of rowdiness and it don't even have to be a full moon.

Home is were the heart is I have heard.

For me that is the Po side,the Dirty South,the Projects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent! The grass is not necessarily greener on the other side.