Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hokey,cheesy and unreal

Walker Texas Ranger.

As mentioned before I don't like the TV show.

It's hokey,cheesy,and unreal.

Walker is always perfect.Walker is always right.Walker is an expert of everything from flying jet planes to riding man killer bulls.All the women he meets fall in love with Walker cause well he is Walker.

My roomie loves this TV show.He must believe all the hype that Walker is all that.

Bullets bounce off Walker's Dodge truck.Walker takes one shot for one kill with his big ole pistol while the bad guys using automatic Uzis and such spraying him with bullets always miss.

Walker is half Indian and when the purpose suits him goes back in time to be guided by his long dead ancestors.

Other times he has flash backs/dreams or what ever it depends on what Walker is putting in his pipe smoking that day he becomes his alter ego Hays Cooper Texas Ranger.Old timey way back in the day super hero without a cape.

Walker really doesn't need a gun.He can woop a room full of bad guys with his Kung Fu stuff.Pop Blam Slam just like Batman and his sidekick Boy Wonder Robin.Walker has his own sidekick an ex Dallas Cowboy football player named Trivette and everyone knows how I feel about football.

Many times I scream out loud at the TV when Walker is surrounded by a dozen hooligans with 2x4's and tire irons just shoot'em Walker don't Kung Fu'em to death.Maybe Walker is a closet sadist and just likes breaking arms to hear that crunch.

Yes friends as we where sitting around the TV yesterday Walker Texas Ranger came on.

It was the same dang episode show yesterday.

Oh the irony of it all!

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