Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Porch swing memories

Porch swing memories.

Summertime sitting on the porch just a swinging in the swing that is what I'm thinking about this morning.

How high can you make it go.That dreaded fear in back of your mind that the chains on the swing might break and that thought brings you down to a more safer swinging speed.

Just sitting on a summer afternoon watching the sun set talking with someone who you enjoy the conversation with.

That was Daddy's and mine time.After supper let's go to the porch he would say and off with my cup of fresh brewed Folgers coffee and little Hav-A-Tampa cigar we went Daddy with his snuff or chewing tobacco.No serious talk just enjoying the company.

A time  when neighbors stopped by for chats and people driving by that you waved at.

Night time summer porch swinging memories made of this.Fireflies and the sound of crickets and cicadas mixed with the smell of honeysuckle and formosa.

When I get to Heaven I hope there is a big porch with a swing waiting on me.

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