Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Killer tomatoes

Focusing my fuzzy vision on the outside I see it's raining.

Good.Gardens need it and I need their acidy red ripe tomatoes.

I really enjoy red ripe home grown tomatoes but there is a problem.

Maybe I'm allergic to them.Soon as one is eaten my face starts tingling,then itching then I break out in this red rash that slowly covers my face.Just my face no were else.

This last for a few days then it looks like I've been in the sun and my skin peels.

I have been warned that my throat could close up,tongue swell and eyes close shut.Benadryl helps but that makes me sleep for a couple of days.

Maybe Momma was right I am hard headed and stubborn but I really like tomatoes.

It does get embarrassing when people stare at you and ask what's wrong with your face.

I have just one question.

Why can't it be broccoli or cauliflower or baked fish and chicken that I'm allergic to.

Oh the irony of it all.

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