Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My heart

My heart is cold
More as I grow old
Tragedies don't make me flinch
Surely my heart has a glitch

What is wrong with me
There must be a key
Have I grown immune
To the sad tunes

Once I cared
Always my heart I  bared
Now I'm just numb to it all
The big and the small

Tuesday's gone

Where did Tuesday go?

Once I seen a old black and white movie called "The Lost Weekend" about an alcoholic who could not remember what he did over a weekend.

This morning I tasted that fear.

Well I don't drink or take mind altering drugs but for awhile this morning I thought Tuesday had been skipped and straight to Wednesday we went.

Really it started Monday.

10:30 am I noticed the clock.That's the last I remember till the lunch tray came a rolling in around noonish.I had dozed off so that missing hour can be explained.

Losing a whole day is a different situation.

At breakfast my roomies were talking about it being Wednesday the last day of April.No it's Tuesday thinking to myself.I didn't say it out loud but something is wrong here I've lost a whole day of the week.

Thinking back to Monday's lost hour panic started to creep in.I'm losing my mind right along with losing a Tuesday.

My breakfast meal ticket was right in front of me and it plainly said Tuesday.I checked my Yahoo home page,Tuesday,last but not least I looked at a calendar,again Tuesday.

Seems I've not totally stepped off the cliff into that deep valley of insanity.

Today is Tuesday.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sin is sin

When does one sin become greater than another?

Someone told me what their preacher's sermon was about yesterday.Over indulging in alcohol and being a glutton with food.

Now ain't it easy to look down on someone if you ain't doing that particular sin?

I don't know what sin my sermon would be about.I'm guilty of alot of them.

Won't be a hypocrite.

Sin is sin and if your not partaking in a certain one it doesn't mean your sin is minor compared to others.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Funky Town

LA may be shaky town.

Chicago they call the windy city.

New York New York a town so nice they named it twice.

Randy Newman may love LA.

Tony Bennett left his heart in San Francisco.

But I have them all beat.

I live in Funky Town!

Just say no

Cable TV.

It sucks.

No TV all week because of no cable here at the old folks home.Seems you have to have a cable box now.

Box we have plus new remote but no TV.

Does anybody really like cable?

I've had my share of dealing with them.Once I had to argue with a cable guy about my home address.He said it was so and so but he was wrong,the address he needed was across the street.Talk of customer service it's non existent right up there with UFO'S and Bigfoot.Cable phone ops have hung up with me.Once they wanted to double charged for a months service,I refused,they turned it into a collection agency.Again they can't read house numbers,a weekend,cable was disconnected,wrong house,mine.

With satellite and internet TV now who needs them.

Cable TV just say no.



You got them or you don't.

Just seen a young man walking down the street and his pants where almost at his knees.I do hope his undies are clean.

Bet he is making his Momma real proud today.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Granny got a gun


Now in Georgia any law abiding citizen can carry a gun into schools,churches,bars,airports etc.

Maybe this is a good idea.

In these days of random shootings in schools,shopping  centers,hospitals,everywhere people go having a pistola in your jean's back pocket could come in handy.

Big Bubba would be less likely to harass Granny Sally if she is packing big iron on her hip,a big ole Colt,not the iron in her hip replacement.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

We interrupt your program...

Do you remember back in the old days before CNN,Fox and all those other 24 hour news stations?

You would be watching TV and your screen would go blank with no sound.

Those terrifying words would flash across your TV and a few seconds later the announcer would say we interrupt your program for this special bulletin.

Your mind would start racing.What has happened.Who died.Are we being attacked by some unknown country,is this the end of us all my friend?

Those special bulletins never brought good news.

They just scared the heebie jeebies out of me.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Get it fixed

They better get it fixed quick.

The natives will get restless and unruly.I for one am not ready for all the fighting,screaming and just plain out being bad by some of the residents here.

Don't let these little ole gray hair Ladies here at the OFH(old folks home) fool you they can be mean.They cruise the halls like sharks in the deep blue ocean looking for prey.I'm sure some of them were members of an outlaw motorcycle club like Hell's Angels or the Granny Renegades.They just have that look.

We will be in a situation worse than any full moon if nothing is done.

They better get that cable back on real quick like!

Is there any terror worse than when Grandma can't watch her shows ?

TFNH attention

Attention staff and residents of TFNH.

It's that time of the year again.

We are having the annual send room 31 SW to Daytona Beach for Bike Week fund raiser marathon.

For your convenience a donation box has been placed outside our door.

Direct all inquires to Paul.

Thank you.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ride away

This sunny day
I want to
Find a Harley
And ride away

Places not known
Where never been
See different people
Make new friends

Wind in face
Sun on back
I’m just looking
For new place

Just close eyes
I am there
Even when sitting
In this chair

His love for us

Happy Easter!

He has risen.

He is alive.

I'm awake early this morning.

Just got back from the shower.Boy I was asleep when Ms B came and got me.The Hoyer lift batteries where dead last night and I missed my regular shower night.Those hot showers are one of life's little pleasures.

Awake and waiting on breakfast which should be around soon.

On this Holiest of Holy days just remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us,his love for us.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

His name was Jim

Me and my little monkey.

I did have a monkey or better yet it had me.

A guy I knew got the little bugger for his wife as a pet but she was terrified of it.

Now I had a set of 110 pound weights that after falling across my neck and breaking down a bed I no longer wanted.It was safer being a 96 pound weakling for me.

So a trade was made.

110 pound weights for 3 pounds of pure unadulterated energy and fun.

His name was Jim.Jungle Jim.

Quickly we became buddies.When we where alone Jim was free of his cage and roamed freely.

Like all little kids when they get quiet they are up to something and Jim was no different.

We had this connection.My folks said that Jim would pace his cage and start whistling everyday at the time I would be coming home.Was it coincidence or did he know?

Jim would chase dogs.

Jim was scared of cats.

Jim would sit on my shoulder or lay on my chest whistling me a song while patting my face with those baby sized hands of his.

Jim got sick.

He died in my arms at the vets.I was 18 in a crowd of people I cried.Not ashamed because I had lost a dear friend.

On quiet lonely nights I think his whistling can still be heard.

Jim calling me to play.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thanks to my evil twin

Seen something today that immediately took me back in time.Talk about a flashback this was.

If by any chance friends from East Newnan,Georgia more specific East Newnan Elementary happen to run up on this story you will most likely remember this.

Mr Camp's 7th grade 1964-1965.

Today I seen black marks on the floor.

Yes friends it took me back in time when no one wore sneakers or as we called them tennis shoes.Like Mr Ford and his model T you could get your Keds in any color you wanted long as it was black.Low tops or basketball high tops your choice.

We where deprived compared to kids of today.No fancy smancy colors of the rainbow sneakers like now.

Back in the old days sneakers where rarely worn to school.Then shoes where dress type with leather or rubber soles.Penny loafers in brown was my favorite for years.

Leather or rubber heels on a hard floor tend to leave marks.Black marks.

Add that with 13 year old juvenile delinquents and it's a recipe for mischief and disaster.That includes some of the girls also.

Maybe some of those black marks on that shiny buffed floor got there on purpose.Even though the stature of limitations has long passed I'm not admitting anything.

Old Man H the principal at the time saw, seen and hit the roof.I swear at times we aggravated him so much that really I think smoke boiled out his ears.

Once Old Man H accused me of standing on the side of the road and giving him the one finger sign of international peace and goodwill.I do have an evil twin out there somewhere so I'm sure it was him.My evil twin has been seen many times doing things I only wish I had nerve to do.

Tooth brushes can be used for many things it seems.Cleaning black marks off shiny buffed floors is one of them.

On our knees ,guilty and the innocent, a whole day was spent scrubbing floors.

One day I will meet my evil twin and I swear his hand will be shook and he will be thanked for all of the interesting situations he has got me in.

Lessons learned

Easter egg hunts of past.

One I do remember.Back in the 1960's maybe when I was 12 or so.

The little church we attended had their egg hunt on a Saturday afternoon before Easter.

I learned a few life lessons at that church.

The preacher standing in the pulpit made a remark that even as a youngster I knew just didn't sound right.

He said if a so and so walked through his yard he was use extreme prejudice against them.I thought a Christian was being loving,forgiving,caring not preaching hate and violence against someone who is different from yourself.

Lesson learned just because you are standing in the pulpit what you say ain't exactly Christian.

Back to that egg hunt.That same preacher pointed out the prize egg to his nephew.Lesson learned,all in life is not fair.

Those lessons and a few more turned me against church and church people when I was younger.All the hypocrisies and jealousy the bickering between church members really affected me.

But never did I doubt Jesus and God.

I just had to learn that people are not perfect even in the church.

Follow Jesus not man.

A life lesson learned.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Can't be beat
Burgers and fries
Ready to eat

Chil pups
Corn dogs to
You can even get
Breakfast in a cup

Open 24 hours
For your delight
You can get'em
Day and night

Mustard onions pickles
Little steamed bun
I can eat five
Then I'm done

Stop,look and listen

Stop,look and listen.

You sure can learn a lot about people by doing that.

A first class education in human behavior.

Free for the taking,no charge.

I think the best place for getting this education is the parking lot of any grocery store.A cross section of life will pass by your eyes.The sad,funny,pitiful,shocking personalities you will observe.All in one handy location.

Try it sometime.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Oh woes me
It do seem
Someone on Facebook
Has deleted thee

What did I do
Was it something said
Or what I done
Me and my bighead

Was it a close friend
If it was not
Who was it then
Maybe it was long lost kin

Sorry you feel this way
And it came to this
Not getting sappy
But have a happy day

In my humble opinion

Open the windows on a balmy southern summer night and let the sounds and sights of nature lullaby you to sleep.

Crickets,cicadas,fireflies in June mixed with the aroma of honeysuckle.

But in my humble opinion there is nothing sweeter to my ears than the singing of a mockingbird on those quiet nights.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Corn dogs

A weird dream this morning.

First off the old house where 33 years where spent was burning.No one was hurt thank goodness but the house was gone.

Maybe it was something subconscious accepting that the house was gone.

Now for the other part of my dream.

Chili corn dogs.

Is there such a thing?

It was 7:30 am in my dream,I know cause I took a look at the clock thinking to myself these chili corn dogs are going to spoil my breakfast.

Hey I think something has been figured out!

Lately by blood sugar readings have been very high.

It's because of me eating all this good food like chili corn dogs  in my dreams.


This morning one of my roomies asked if I was awake.The privacy curtain was pulled and he could not see me.

Yes I'm awake Paul.Then he asked if I was out of the bed.No Paul still in bed.

There are 4 of us here in room 31 and for one reason or another 3 of us are what you call confined to bed till someone helps us out of it.

This got me thinking.

The old timey radio preachers call us "SHUT INS".

Heard that term all my life now that fits me.Never before had I thought that.

SHUT INS yeah that's me.

Don't pity me cause at times it ain't so bad.I told a Lady yesterday if only getting in/out of bed and taking care of a few other basic human needs,if I could do those, care for myself,ole JohnLee would be back on his own living the independent life style.

But as life has it that's not in the plans.

At times we all need a little help from our friends.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

If possible

What to do with all this free time.

If I was smart which I ain't maybe curing the common cold or curing cancer and all those other awful things I could do.

How bout finding a way for world peace and ending poverty,no more hungry kids.

I could write a book that would make people laugh and forget all their problems for maybe a hour or so.

Snap my fingers and everyone would feel loved and at peace.

None of this I can do.

But if possible I would.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

It's coming

Easter is coming.

That was always time for new shoes and a suit for Easter Sunday.

Time for coloring eggs for that big hunt.

Easter baskets.

Two times a year you went to church.

Christmas and Easter.

Shame that the real reason of those two days are lost in all of the commercializing of the most Holy of celebrations.

It's not about the Easter bunny or Santa.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just here to help ya...an emergency reprint for a new friend

Being a born and bred Southern Gentleman I find it my civic duty to help others,those from north of Hogansville,Georgia,Yankee territory,to learn to speak proper English.

At times they can't understand what I'm talking about and vicer versa.Today we shall start with the basics.

Let's get this eating thing down pat first ok.There are 3 meals in a 24 hour period.Breakfast,dinner and supper.Dinner equals lunch to those of you north of Hogansville and supper is the night time meal not dinner.Next let's just go ahead and get this outta way quick.That 4 legged,fuzzy thing with a wagging tail and goes bow wow ain't no dog.Repeat after me it's a DAWG and the longer you can draw it out the better.

Next we move along to the most common things you should learn to be understood and to understand.That thing you sit in is not a chair it's a cheer.Example,ain't cha tared sit in the cheer for a bit.Then theres winder you know that thing made of glass that most houses have you look out at.Now we get fancy with details.That thing you lay your head on at night down here in Georgia is called a piller not pillow.Simple huh,your'e doing great so far.Ok to keep things short so you don't lose concentration our last word of the day is fanger.Northerners called or mispronounce it as finger.

Ok that should do it for today.See it ain't hard to properly speak English all you have to do is just try hard and study and in no time you will be speaking Georgian like ya was born here.

Sharper than a sword

Shoot it,stab it,stomp it but it can't be stopped.

This old monster has been around since the beginning of time.

It can be innocent at first but ending in disaster.

Lives can be ruined.


The tongue can be sharper than the sword.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Going to kill me

Sorry but the food here at the old folks home is not to my liking.

It don't look good or taste good to me.

You may say but it's healthy for you.

If that's the case why was my blood sugar at 571 Friday night and is still high.

I'm ready for cooking like I grew up on.Butter beans,fried diced up potatoes and cornbread.

Heck if food is going to kill me lest let it be food I like.

Google this

A rainy,dark,blustery Monday morning here.

Thunder and lighting.

I like it.

Unlike that old Carpenters song rainy days and Mondays don't get me down.

Like Daddy would tell me even after getting grown,get away from that screen window and put that dog down they draw lighting.

Do dogs draw lighting?

Something to google on this rainy Monday morn.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Sounds of angished souls

They walk the halls at night.

Some of the most mournful sounds they make.Sounds that frighten me.Sounds of anguished souls walking these floors of the old folks home.

Fleeting shadows I see out of the corner of my eye.

I know when they are on the move.At times they come in pairs.

That sound.

That sound of squeaky shoes that the Nurses and CNA's  wear.

Oh the humanity of it all.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Should have know

Well now.

I spent 3 or more hours outside under the veranda by the cement pond.

Had my supper of cheesy beef mac and a roll with raspberry sherbet out there.

My water jug with me,it came in handy.Plus coffee and iced tea with my supper so was glad when I got back inside our humble abode if you get my drift.

Temperature was about 82 today.

My face is cherry red and people ask the same question... to much sun?

I have to go through the drill telling them no it wasn't the sun but those chopped up tomatoes I had with my salad Sunday night.It was a mistake eating those tomatoes because my forehead started stinging as they where ate.

But I do feel sunburned so maybe...


Just a dream
That I know
Peaceful it was
Back I go


I knew it was wrong from the beginning but that didn't stop me.

Greed and self centered behavior had taken over.The only one I was thinking about was me and my wants my desires.

Nothing can be hidden.Everything is revealed in the end.This will be no different.

So the story begins.

7 years old,Big Springs Road,at that time it was called the country then,LaGrange,Georgia.

For some reason my folks had been chosen by the little church we attended to be the ones to keep can goods for people who where in need.

The cans where stored under the kitchen cabinets.

This a good place to stop and express my opinion about something.Those cans where rusty and most where missing labels.The Bible said give with a cheerful heart and give to God your best first fruits.Story was a husband and wife gave but not their best and God struck them down.I think those rusty no labeled cans might fit in that category.Was it their best or what they wanted no more?

Ok off my high horse.

My sin is just as bad,no better or worse they are all equal.

Did I mention applesauce?

Loved that stuff when I was a kid.This is where the two stories meet.

Those rusty no label cans got the best of me and when a treat was wanted you guessed it applesauce hunting I would go.Yes looking in the cans designated for the needed.

Shame on me taking food out of the hungry's mouth.

You know what till this very day every time I see applesauce that is what is thought of.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A confession

When it happened I can't say.

A new low in my life has been reached.

Grandma Haynes forgive me.

I was raised better.

You started me down this road at the age of 4.

Sure after 57 years I have strayed but always came back to my roots,the way you taught me.

Grandma maybe it's best you are asleep,resting in your grave.

You will be spared of my dark secret and confession I must make to all mankind.


I now drink...

I now drink my coffee with a creamer but wait it gets worse at times I add a sweetener.

Grandma your blue eyed rusty footed baby boy has shunned the old ways.

No longer do I drink my coffee black and straight as you raised me.

Forgive me Grandma.

And please stop spinning in your grave.

You're making me dizzy.

All is ...

That smell.

Like a magnet I was drawn to it.

I followed it.


Not only just popcorn but Cracker Jack and fruit punch and diet Coke.

I had a vision.

On the wall it was.

The big screen TV.

Atlanta Braves opening day for baseball.

All is good in Muddvile.

Spring and baseball have arrived.


No more fried foods for me.

Changing my ways.

Bring on the baked chicken and fish.

Load my plate with cauliflower broccoli and squash casserole.

Pass the turkey bacon,sausage and those mouth watering turkey burgers.

How about some celery who needs crinkle cut fries?

Wake me quick, call 911,I'm delirious...naw it's ok.

April Fool's!!! 

Something better

Am I going to end up like everyone else here?

We are a product of our environment people say.

A nurse said the other night that Alzheimer's is not inherited it is airborne.She might be right.

Not looking forward to that day at all.

I don't mourn very much these days when someone passes away.It's not that I'm cold hearted I just see it as being set free of all this earthly commotion we have to put up with.

Those that are so sick and in pain,so lonely,so confused,so brokenhearted,so scared...you get the picture.

God in Heaven there has to something better for them.