Monday, March 31, 2014


Sky is blue,no wind,temp rising.

Woke to the sound of crows this morning much more pleasant than a rooster.

March is going out like a lamb.Same way it came in.

Things quiet round the old folks home.

For now.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


An  unholy terror has been unleashed upon us.

You think something is heard.Something is seen out of the corner of your eyes,a dark fleeting shadow.

It is real,not your imagination.

You did hear something.You did see it.

That feeling of being watched.

Hair on the back of your neck rising.

A cold chill down the spine.

Be very afraid.

We have been warned of this.Consider our self lucky as things that will come will happen have already been presented to us for all who will read, prepare, believe.

Evil walks this earth.All of the vile demonic acts that the mind can imagine are happening right this moment.

Good news we have hope.


I love it !

The howling of the wind.

March is trying to go out like a lion.

The cold icy wind from my open window feels good to my bare arms.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Those self righteous types,politicians and people who oppose medical marijuana that would help kids who have seizures shame on you.

Shame on state attorney generals who don't want that new pill that is 5 times stronger than Vicodin .

You are playing with people's lives.

Blessed are those who are pain free and have healthy children.

As Lewis Grizzard,Great American said "PAIN CHANGES YOUR ATTITUDE ON DRUGS".


Nursing home resident

Nursing home resident 31 B south wing.

That is me.

To tired to write,to tired to think.

Later amigos.

Friday, March 28, 2014

My new home

A place beyond
Way way gone
Beyond milky way
My new home

Riding comets tail
Through end times
This where belong
My new home

Faster than light
I travel alone
Sight of sights
My new home

Deafness of space
Life no trace
Where I belong
My new home

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Burgers of past

Wish I had a good hamburger and fries right now.

Like those of my youth that seem so much better than those of today.

Go into a cafe ask for a burger and it was fried up as you wait.None of this cooked hours ago and warmed up stuff.

Fries,sliced and fried in real oil and with salt.

Better yet a hamburger by Daddy.Buns dipped in the grease with a bag of potato chips on the side.

Nothing fancy just good simple food.

Top it off with an icy cold bottle of real Coke.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Could have should have

In a moment of crystal clear clarity I seen my life as it really is.

I'm not pleased.

I have failed myself.

I lost.

I could have should have done better.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Memories get the best of me

Low blood pressure is normal for me.

100/60 or there bouts is where it normally runs.

Here at the OFH(old folks home)they check our vitals quite often,bp,temp,pulse.

Seems night time is the most regular time for checking room 31 usually just after dozing.

Maybe the reason for that is we are most relaxed.

Well sometime last night I was awaken,time for vital checks making sure we are amongst the living and not one of those walking dead zombie folks,we have'm here and maybe one day soon will write about them.

60/40 was my bp,second check was even lower 53/over something.

Feeling okay ?Yes I answered.

Since I was talking and coherent no need for a trip to the ER or as the nurse said morgue.

Going to check it again around 7 am she said.

She did and guess what?

This time bp was 163/70.Way to high for me.

Since it was about time for morning meds no action was taken.

I was alive,talking,joking around and most of all hungry for breakfast.

Later on in the day I had the pleasure off seeing the eye doctor.

When did doctors get so young,she looked every bit of 18.

My visit lasted only a few minutes.

Now get this she took a pair of tweezers and took something called plugs and put them in the inside corner of each eye.

I have heard of tire plugs,chewed a few plugs of Bull of the Woods tobacco but never of these eye plugs.

After thinking about this curious I was.

Seems they prevent watery eyes.

Maybe this will be good.

I tend to be sentimental about some things and when alone the tears can flow easy.

That is why I avoid any singing of Gospel songs when people come here and sing.

Memories get the best of me.

They can bring on the tears.

Flight 370

Flight 370
Where could it be
Did it make it to land
Or fall into the sea

Was it abducted
That is something
We don't know

Was it high jacked
That could be
Is it on some island
Hid by trees

Flight 370
A mystery indeed
If you have any ideas
Tell us please

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

About you

Don't think me mean
If I say what's on my mind
Maybe it's come to this
Now is the time

Down off your high horse
That nose stuck in the air
Don't think yourself better than anyone
Some times you're more than I can bare

See yourself as others do
Not as you think yourself
Maybe your not that great
Sorry just being true

When you're gone
The world turning won't stop
Lucky you will be
If you're not forgot

We are all just one
No body better or worse
Judged not by what we have or want
Only by what we have done

There I said it
Maybe to much
At times I tend this to do
Guess it's time I stop talking and such

Monday, March 17, 2014

New life

Rainy day
Searching soul
Still doing
Things old

Want change
New life
Staring over
Tired strife

Peace needed
Satisfied mind
This wanted
All time

I'm trying

One step forward two steps backwards...I disappoint myself.

Did it...

I did it!

Survived the full  moon,Walking Dead night,Saint Patricks day trio.

The stars and planets where line up just right for this once in a life time

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Blame it on...

If you wonder what living at the old folks home is all about compare it to daycare not for your children but for your parents.

There are many similarities.

Diapers don't separate the young from the old.

No teeth can be a problem.Some have to have pureed food like babies who eat food from a jar.

Temper tantrums.You have heard of the terrible twos wait till the naughty necked nineties start.Why old folks get the urge to take their clothes off in public is a mystery.

By the way the day you walk or more likely are rolled through the front door of the OFH(old folks home)you just leave your modesty at that door.Just about every Nurse and CNA has seen my hiney by now.It's nothing personal.

Old folks can be mean.

Don't think cause we are old some of them won't hurt you.They scratch,kick,bite(well some of them)and take swings at you good as any two year old.

You have heard of that famous gang haven't you.


As this is being written it is a full moon night.

Everything said I'm blaming it on that full moon.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fear inherited

I don't like snakes.

If they where furry and cuddly and make cute little sounds maybe I would feel different.

Never has a snake hurt me.

Several times they have scared me.

Once as a little boy I almost stepped on a rattler that was coiled up ready to strike.Most likely I would have reached down and picked it up but Daddy seemed fit to use extreme prejudice on the snake with a garden hoe.

One close encounter with a snake we met up and I guess it was just as scared of me as I was of it.It ran one way and me the other.

Hunting one fall with Daddy,leaned up against a tree,slithering over the brown golden orange leaves I seen a big snake headed straight for us.

Daddy I see a snake.

He never seen it,he out run me back to the car,by the way he had a gun leaving his little boy to catch up with him.

Aunt Lema was bit by a rattler picking black berries and almost died.

Maybe that fear of snakes is inherited.

I think facing a bear would be more pleasant than facing a snake.

Bears are at least furry and cuddly.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wrecked chicken truck

Chicken legs for lunch yesterday.

Chicken legs for supper yesterday.

Lunch today chicken legs.

Guess what we had for supper today...think real hard you can do it...take a few minutes to think about your are a genius Einstein...chicken legs.

I read with interest about a truck loaded with frozen chickens that wrecked recently.

Do you suppose....

Walking shadow

I seen something last night at the time nothing much was thought of it.

Around 8 pm after getting into bed with the privacy curtain pulled around me I seen it.

A shadow of a person,medium height,taking it's time it seemed walking past the outside of the curtain.

Through the wall that shadow disappeared.

What or who it was is up for discussion.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

You are gone

It’s just now started sinking in.

You are gone.


Your life was one of tragedy.

Abandoned at birth raised by a woman you called Grandma who wasn’t any blood connection.

On your own at 17 living on the streets of Ohio.Eating out of dumpsters,sleeping in cars.

A forced abortion by family.Given a plane ticket to New York City alone you traveled fighting all the way till the end of baby Jonathan’s life who you loved and wanted.

I think, no ,I know that part of your life never left your presence.Till the end that guilt and pain was always with you.

Then the fire that took away your husband’s and brother’s life that October night.

Your two girls and son where your life.

What I will always remember about you was that smile.Each time I seen it you reminded me of a precious innocent little baby that I wanted to hold and protect.

You I’m thinking of tonight.

A life full of things not deserved.

Monday, March 10, 2014


How can a person claim,own,sell something they did not create,conceive or build.

Talking about God's good green Earth.

I believe as the Native Americans.

We can't own the sky,rivers or the green grass we walk on.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Women on choppers

Women on choppers
Not messin with them
Women on choppers like to fight
Kick hit and bite

Women on choppers
Leave them be
Women on choppers
They are kinda cute to me

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Sugar this morn was 309
But I feel fine
Lately high all the time
It's that good food I do dine

Tell all you meet
Even those you tweet
Don't give me treats
I'm to sweet

Earth tilted

It must have happened as we slept.

Did you noticed anything or what time it took place?

Was it a  phase shift of the Earth's axis that is playing havoc with my body?

I'm pretty sure that is the cause of my dilemma.

It slipped up on us like butter on popcorn.

Am I the only victim?

This tilting of my body the leaning to the right an involuntary motion that I have when laying in bed.

Well maybe it's not a phase shift of Earth's axis but a curving of my spine that is causing this awkward situation.