Tuesday, March 11, 2014

You are gone

It’s just now started sinking in.

You are gone.


Your life was one of tragedy.

Abandoned at birth raised by a woman you called Grandma who wasn’t any blood connection.

On your own at 17 living on the streets of Ohio.Eating out of dumpsters,sleeping in cars.

A forced abortion by family.Given a plane ticket to New York City alone you traveled fighting all the way till the end of baby Jonathan’s life who you loved and wanted.

I think, no ,I know that part of your life never left your presence.Till the end that guilt and pain was always with you.

Then the fire that took away your husband’s and brother’s life that October night.

Your two girls and son where your life.

What I will always remember about you was that smile.Each time I seen it you reminded me of a precious innocent little baby that I wanted to hold and protect.

You I’m thinking of tonight.

A life full of things not deserved.

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