Wednesday, November 6, 2013

That devilish mean streak

I think I'm a bad man.

Maybe I just have a devilish mean streak in me.

At times I almost give in to this uncontrollable urge I have.

Let me explain.

When so called able bodied people tower over me in my wheelchair and they seem to be patronizing me just because I am at times I feel like putting on a little show.

I want to start doing my southernized hand signal talking pretending I can't hear them.

I so want to reassure them with my middle finger that they are number 1 in my book.

I want to grin and drool like I'm in another world or least another zip code from them.

I want them to have that grin on their face that says shoot fire I'm so glad I ain't this dude.

Yes I could go on but won't.

That mean devilish streak might take over.

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