Sunday, September 30, 2012


Love is not real
Love is a tale
Love is not bliss
Love always fails

Love can be one sided
Love can hurt
Love can kill
Love I choose to hide it

Love gives me no thrill
Love is no big deal
Love is more than a kiss
Love I don't miss

Love is a game
Love not good
Love never works
Love I can tame

Love full of blame
Love can be a shame
Love I regret
Love causes change

Love is blind
Love is not kind
Love  is not fair
Love I don't care

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I'm not good at goodbyes
Never have I been
They make me feel awkward
Almost like committing a sin

Goodbyes I have had a few
They always end with
I'll come back to see you
That never happens it's never true

Soon just a memory at best
Doing good if that you get
So be honest just say
Maybe we will meet another day

Hurts just to know
Maybe really we where not that close
All we said and did
Was just put on a cruel hoax

Goodbyes I want no more
Sometimes they more than can bare
Seems I have had my share
Goodbyes just a shutting of the door

Adele - Someone like you (OFFICIAL VIDEO LYRICS) HD Live from Brit Award...

I won't

I won't look out the window
I won't sit by the door
If you ain't coming
I won't wait any more

Hot on my heels

I was a kid
Momma I made mad
I had been bad
Down Juniper Street I fled

Hot on my heels
Momma was catching up
I zig I zag
It was no use I had been had

She caught me
By the old Chinabeery Tree
I tried to run
I tried to flee

Them switchings stung like a bee
I could run but so could she
The day I tried outrunning Momma
It didn't work out for me


Krystal burgers
I do like
Buy a sack
When you go back

Get some fries
Don't forget the chili
A few corn pups
Large Coke in a cup

Krystal burgers
Some can eat many
But for me
Four will be plenty

Whoppers and Big Mac's
They are ok
But for me
I will take Krystal's any day

Small and square
That steamed bun
Mustard onion and a pickle
Go buy me some won't you hun

You do that
For ever I'm grateful
We could be friends
Till the end

Yes Krystal's I like
Best burger around
I'm not bragging just a fact
Buy me a sack next time in town


I hear the sea
It's calling me
Visions of deep blue water
Maybe that's where I should be

Elly May

Elly Mae
Not enough words
We can say
She from back in da day

Those hard biscuits used as ammo
Hid in da trees
With her double barrel sling shot
Elly would shoot at me

Elly had a cousin
Jethro Bodine was his name
Being a double naught spy
Was his claim to fame

Then there was Granny
Cooked them vittles
Made her potions
Granny had possum in her kettles

Old Uncle Jed
From the hills of Tennessee
Struck that black gold
Move them all to hills of Beverly

The cement pond
Ghosts in the walls
Neighbors Drysdales and Miss Jane
I sure miss them all

Friday, September 28, 2012

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill
They climbed that hill
Jack had a plan
So did Jill

Jill had a gun
A 357 mag
Oh that bad Jill
She had took some pills

Poor ole Jack
Know what Jill did
Shot Jack in the back
Just for a thrill

Well Jack died
Jill didn't even cry
She was found guilty of murder one
Now poor ole Jill they did fry

Moral of story
I don't have one
I wrote this
Just for fun

We grew up

November 1963
I remember the day
Man named JFK
They blew him away

A Friday I was 11
About 2 pm in the day
Principal came on loud speaker
This is what he had to say

The place was Texas
Dallas was the town
Things we heard made us frown
Since that time US been going down

Innocence was lost
End of Camelot
We grew up
We learned alot

57 Chevy

57 Chevy
Oh so cool
Always wanted one
They make me drool

57 Chevy
They where great
Make mine a 4 speed
With a big V8


Life is precious
Life is so short
Life so dear
Life we do abort

Little babies in the womb
Little souls growing strong
Little babies never a chance had
Little babies did nothing wrong

Grandma Grandpa past their day
Grandma Grandpa they raised us
Grandma Grandpa we should honour
Grandma Grandpa we put them away

People we kill
People we cheat
People we hate
People our life's are bleak

Come a day we repent
Come a day Jesus will be back
Come a day we will answer
Come a day we resent

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Those dead eyes

Those dead eyes
That blank stare
When you have it
It's more than I can bare

That no speaking
That quiet house
When you do it
Feels like fire I've been doused

The slamming of the door
The room does shake
When you leave
It's more than I can take

When you lie
It does hurt
I won't worry
Cause I did try

Born down here

Born down here
Hold it against me
Got my ways
Don't miss them days

Born down here
Got my way of talking
Have a way of thinking
Don't like it start walking

Born down here
I love everyone
Not like some of you
Down here way it's done

Born down here
Got my customs
Got my past
Them things didn't last

Born down here
Time we change
We could do better
Right here in LaGrange

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I hear them cry
Some of them die
It's a shame
Who is the blame

Didn't anyone care
No love to share
Was it so hard
Why couldn't you be there

What goes around
It comes around
That's what they say
Worry about judgement day


I look around and see
People in drama
I'm so glad it's not me
Really I'm not doing bad
Worse times could be had
No one to hassle me
I like just being free
Out of sight
Out of mind
Thank you very much
I'm doing just fine

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I bet

Here I lay
On this day
Nothing to say
Need to pray

Thinking of you
Nothing else do
Things that true
Not getting blue

Not trying forget
Nothing to regret
Will not fret
This I bet

Monday, September 24, 2012


Bridge over troubled waters
Burning your bridges
Bridges way up high
Bridges that swing
Bridges that touch the sky
Bridges over deep water
Bridges scare me

Sunday, September 23, 2012

My friend and me

That time of day
Almost night
All is good
I can have my say

Peace comes to me
Life as I want it
Way it should be
Wish it would stay

Now free to think
Write what on mind
Quiet way I like
Wish this way all time

Not missing anything
Where I should be
This is for us
My friend and me

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Done and over

Things in brain
Can cause pain
Memories of past
Things didn't last

Wish could forget
Those things regret
Need to change
Lose that pain

No use crying
Done and over
Just keep living
Don't quit trying


First day fall
Start new season
Time to reflect
Time to redirect

Warm days
Cool nights
Leaves changing
Beautiful sight

Change here
It will happen
No use fight
Try as you might

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chosen few

Momma and Daddy worked in the mills
My belly always filled
Never went barefooted unless I wanted
Never was I taunted
Lint heads we where called
Some sure had gall
Poor but proud
Never boasting or loud
I had love and a name
My only claim to fame
Poor and never knew
Maybe we where the chosen few

Blast from the past

Blast from the past.My cousin Gail sent me this photo.I never had seen it before.I'm the dorky kid in the middle with Momma and Daddy.I must have been about 13 or so.This was taken at the old home place at East Newnan,Georgia.Many a summer night was spent  camping out in this backyard.My best friend Doug lived next door and that was a fun time in my life.On the left you can see the start of a tree house.The year was most likely 1965.What a time !

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sun's rays

I'm not supposed to feel this way
At times hard to face a new day
My eyes are blinded
By the sun's rays

I do know better
But it's the real me
I keep sliding back
Never will I be really free

Put on a show
Try to actCheck Spelling
Let no one know
That you're ready to crack

Smile even if fake
Do what's expected
Try to please
Even if it's all you can take


Sometimes I forget
Life's been a trip
Sometimes been fine
Met some who where kind

Sometimes I want to forget
Things that where bad
All them things that sad
Those times had

If I do forget
You always remember
This is true
I did love you

Sunday, September 16, 2012

God call home

Mom and Dad
They are gone
Here I am
All alone

Will come time
To gather again
Wait till then
All be fine

God call home
A family again
No more tears
No more pain

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Try to forget

Visions of places past
Memories that didn't last
Another time
Another place
Life once had
Try to forget
All those regrets

Come home they saying

Pines swaying
They waving
Come home they saying
There wish I staying

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Birds in the sky
Way up high
Sometimes wish
I could fly

One extreme follows another

Laying here at night with the big window open is nice.I like it.AC is off and the cool fallish air blowing on my face feels great.The night sounds I like also.Cars and big trucks on US 29 and last night I noticed something never heard before.Crows fussing about something.They where upset or maybe just enjoying the weather.Mornings they are the first things I notice but never have I heard them late at night before.

Days are still warm but these nice nights I can live with.The trees are starting to change now.They have that dull green and brown look to them.

Winter skipped Georgia last year it was so mild.I have always heard one extreme follows another.So if that is true maybe this is going to be a cold winter for Georgia.That's ok and maybe throw in some snow also.That would be different and enjoyed.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Beautiful day

Cool fall morn
Crows they cay
Sky so blue
A beautiful day

Pine trees sway
No sound heard
Everything being still
A beautiful day

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day is over

Day is over
Did I do my best
Did I try
Did I just get by

Did I smile
Did a kind word say
Did I help anyone
Did I make their day


Sleep wasn't easy
In deep thought
Of things done
Of battles fought

New day here
Time start over
Peace I have
Hope it last

Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's that simple

I probably don't fit the idea of what some people would call christian.Suits and ties is not my style.I can honestly say I'm not a church goer even though I'm a member of one.Not proud of that.I have opportunities to go but I don't.Some might be shocked at the music I like.My sense of humor might not fit in with others.I have what some would call a dark side.Far from perfect and asking for help and forgiveness daily is me.At times I feel like a hypocrite.Unworthy of God's love and His forgiveness.

But He has.God has set me free.Not free of struggles and hardships.Not free of sickness or sadness.Not free of broken hearts or loneliness.Being christian doesn't guarantee a life free of any of this.But I am free of eternal death.Don't get me wrong I will die.But I have the promise of God that I will live in His Heavenly home for eternity.

Why do I tell you these things about me?Maybe it needed saying.If a sinner like me can find God's love,forgiveness and grace anyone can.

It is simple.Just ask God for forgiveness and believe that His Son Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected from the grave.It's that simple.

A calling for me

I think maybe there is a calling for me.The need to write.Not for fame or fortune but to be a voice for those no one hears.A voice for the disabled,the helpless and the hopeless.A voice for those forgotten and thrown away.A voice for people who don't fit the norm.

This is on my heart tonight.The Bible teaches us that those who believe in God and follow in His son Jesus footsteps have a calling.

Maybe I have found mine.

Goat named Billy

Once I rode a goat named Billy
The terrain sure was hilly
Only three years old
At that age we are bold
Grandpa and Daddy
Set me on that goat
Down that hill I did float
That goat threw me off
I lost my shoe
Ended up black and blue
Everything said it is true

Friday, September 7, 2012

Oh so flirty

Cute as can be
Oh so flirty
Makes me wish
Again I was thirty

Yes your fine
And so kind
It's no jive
You make me feel alive

You so pretty
Anyone can see
You make me stutter
My heart do flutter

Close my eyes

The world is bad
It makes me sad
Of things that go on

Close my eyes
Shut my ears
Can't stand their tears

I hear people cry
Some want to die
I just want to hide

Please Lord help
Don't want to end up that way
That is my prayer today

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You won't know

Here I am
Lost my plan
Times need a hand

Took wrong road
I'm not bold
Don't have to be told

Which way I turn
Wrong I burn
I did learn

I did try
Tried not to lie
To you goodbye

My feelings never show
You won't know
Keeping things low

Smile be glad
Even if mad
Never look sad

I'm am through
With you
This is true

Laying low

Laying low
Going with the flow
Flying under the radar
Doing good so far

Try be cool
Don't act a fool
Don't hesitate
Just cooperate

It will be fine
Good in time
Don't ring any chimes
Walk that line

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Burger and fries

Burgers and fries
Such a delight
Burgers and fries
I do like

Burger and fries
Put some on the grill
Burger and fries
Guaranteed to thrill

Burger and fries
Such a treat
Burger and fries
Can't be beat

Burger and fries
Loved by many
Burger and fries
Cook up plenty

Burger and fries
Love burnt red meat
Burger and fries
Come on now lets eat

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Little puter

I must clean my screen
It's looking a little green
Keyboard sure is dusty
So dirty it makes my fingers rusty

Speakers sound scratchy
When listening to Molly Hatchet
My poor little puter
Only thing can do is shoot'er

I surf the net
It sure is fun
This I bet
Seen it all and all I done

From A to Z
What else can there be
Only look at the stuff that's free
Some nights keeps me up to three

Have you ever

Have you ever been used
Have you ever been abused
Have you ever been amused
Have you ever been confused

Have you ever been happy
Have you ever been sad
Have you ever been glad
Have you ever been mad

Have you ever cried
Have you ever lied
Have you ever tried
Have you ever died