Sunday, March 18, 2012

Emails from the dead

I read with interest about some people getting emails from their dead friend.

Seems the emails where about things only they would know about.

Was it really emails from beyond or a cruel joke?

Who knows but it's something to think about.Death it seems is now gone high tech.Just a simple haunting wont do in the year 2012.

Wonder what the internet is like on the other side.Bet it's more dependable than some of us get that are alive and earth bound.

So they are passing out puters when we enter the Pearly Gates.

But in all fairness the article did go on to say that there is a service that you can use that will send emails after your death to your friends.Seems if the company doesn't hear from you in a certain length of time they will presume you have passed on and will send out emails that you wrote before your demise to those you choose.

Kinda gives that old AOL message you got mail a whole different meaning.

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