Friday, January 6, 2012

Smokey Joe’s, Jacobs and Pete the ice cream man

Smokey Joe’s,Jacobs and Pete the ice cream man.

Not many reading this will know what those three are so I shall explain.

Smokey Joe’s was a hamburger joint located up the street from Grandma Smith’s house,so was Jacobs which was an old time grocery store.

Smokey’s place sit on the side of a steep hill and had stairs that would terrify me if I had to walk them today.He served only hamburgers.What I remember the most there was always a huge jar of dill pickles on the counter.Not the little ones but large pickles.

.Now comes in the Jacobs part of the story.Grandma was always sending one of us grand kids to the store for something.I can still see inside with my mind what the store look liked.Wooden floors and the employees all wore those long white aprons.Anyway Grandma would always say what ever change is left over is yours.Back in those days a penny would buy candy or a cookie.

Sometimes there would be enough change left over to walk next door to  Smokey Joe’s and buy a hamburger and a big dill pickle.

Now for Pete the ice cream man.He would always be at shift changing time at Kex mill across the street in the summer time.If I was lucky I would walk down where the folks where waiting for shift change and my Uncle Eugene would buy me a Popsicle.A banana or coconut where the prize flavors.

Smith cousins do you remember this?

Bet you do.