Friday, December 3, 2010

Simple as they get

I think well I know that dysfunctional fits me to a T.Always,my entire life I felt like something was out of wack.Never fitting in.Never like others.But maybe that not all that bad.Some I'm glad we have nothing in common.How many people in the world are there?God made us all different.That I am happy for.All those billions of people and everyone different with their on way of doing things.Their own opinions.It sure would be boring if everyone was alike.Like what Henry Ford said you could get his cars in any color you wanted long as it was black.What that meant I have no idea.Maybe it was a metaphor.A big word huh.I know people who can say those reader digest words,those 50 cent ones.Who are they trying to impress?Me or themselves.I walked into the lab at the water plant one day.Just me and the first shift operator.Just to make conversation I asked if that was his brief case.The proper word is attache case he said.Ok I said to my self but brief case would have served the purpose as well.No big fancy word was needed.I stutter sometimes.Know some words I can't pronounce correct.I have been know to even get tongue tied so I keep my words simple.Some folks put on airs I think.I hope never anyone thinks that about me.I am as simple as they get.

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