Monday, August 23, 2010

Wait and see

Hi everyone hope every thing is going good for you today.Another same o same o day here.I'm starting to sort out things that are going on in my life.Only thing I'm afraid of is making the wrong choice.That holds alot of us back doesn't it that afraid I am doing whats really best for us thing or this will be a big mistake.Oh well guess I will just wait and see.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Big Boy Black

My new friend.I have a new friend.His name is Big Boy Black.I said never again would I get attached to an animal.But he just sneaked his way into my heart.He lays on the puter desk and types and by chance he does pretty good.Some of the searches that come up are scary.The other day while walking across keyboard he typed 666 and a search of the anti Christ came up.So is he a cat or prophet?

Color TV from a blackand white set

TV does not interest me anymore.It is rare that something will catch my eye.Sometimes on the history channel or A&E I will find something.When I was a kid the word for me was TV junkie.On any given day I knew by heart the schedule for that day.That was way back then when 3 channels of black and white TV was all you had.Not what people today would call an entertainment center.One night alone with the TV they announced the next program would be in living color.Silly me sat there waiting for a color program on a black and white TV.They did have these little gizmos that was a color wheel you could sit in front of your TV and see color.Gee ain't we got sophisticated today.

Tree house

I just remembered how much fun it was when I was a kid.The guy next door had a tree house and we would sleep overnight in it.It was so peaceful and relaxing.Maybe us grown kids should get a tree house.Sure better than taking some of the meds to relax.


I don't think this heat will ever break.I know least I hope it will.But it is August and it's suppose to be hot and muggy.The day will come and someone,someone like me will say it's cold when will this cold break.Just can't be satisfied with what we have .

Monday, August 16, 2010


All my life I think one thing was my passion ,desire or just what I wanted.Everyone at one time or another wants this.It is a partner,companion,spouse what ever you want to call it.Someone who you trust blindly,someone you know will backup you up.Someone who will laugh with you someone who will cry with you.Someone to hold me,someone who will tell me everything will be ok.When I am lonely someone who will take away that loneliness.When I'm scared someone to take away my fears.When I cry someone who will wipe my tears away.Someone.

My new attitude

Like that Pointer Sisters song I got a new attitude.Things won't get my goat as easy .I know it's been said before in the past but gonna really try this time.I enjoy life people and my self when my attitude is good.No more pity parties for ole JohnLee.Is it true what happens was meant to happen?I don't know but I think we can change our life by having a good outlook on it.When folks are in a bad mood I won't join in I will smile to myself and say what a good day to be alive.I never know whats around the corner could be something good so wait for it,expect something great it might just happen.In short I refuse to let others bring me down.

Big Springs Road

Big Springs Road.I lived there when I turned 10.Just stayed there for a few years it seemed like.Across the street from the house was an old huge rundown empty house.At one time I bet it was a charming place to live.It had so many rooms.It was kinda spooky.My favorite cousin Mike who was older was visiting us.In the old spooky place we where looking around.Mike kicked a door open and it bounced back toward him like it had been pushed.He ran out screaming and I followed.I didn't know why he was running I just ran because he was.GrandMa Haynes lived with us.I don't remember it but Momma said that me and GrandMa where alone and she had some type of attack.I freaked out they said but I must have blocked it out till this very day I don't remember it.Any way it was a heart attack and a few days later she died in the hospital.

To my WWW friends let me know

Hi everyone out there on the WWW .Hope your day is going the way it should.Honestly I hope this day ranks right up there with the best day of your life.Yeah do you see where I'm going with this post?It's your day and what ever you have on your mind I wish you would leave a comment for me.I don't even know if this blog is being read by anyone so do me a big ole favor and leave a word for me.Till later my WWW friends.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The game

Well I feel sad.Sometimes the B.S. is so bad you just want to say whats the use .Sometimes I know it's B.S. when I first hear it then other times it takes a while to sink in.There is an old saying fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.Yep I know it's just a game,a two sided street.I am far from perfect I will be honest enough to say that.

Be ready

Life is way to short.When you are a kid time drags.Christmas will never get here it seems when you are 8 years old.Now in the fall or is that early winter of my life I want it to slow down just a bit.Like the old joke where the preacher said everyone who wants to go to Heaven raise your hand.All did except for one man.The preacher said man don't you want to go to Heaven?Sure I do the man said but I thought you was getting up a bus load to go now.Guess that is the way I feel.I think there are still some things I need to do or finish.But one never knows when the Grim Reaper will vist.So I guess the moral of the story is be ready,ready for what ever might happen.

What is missing?

Ok it's Saturday afternoon the 14th of the month.Not much is going on around here just the normal stuff.Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water,a bastard child at a family reunion yep it's that type of day so far.I know one should be thankful for all our blessings and I have many.But do you ever get the feeling something is not just right or that you are missing something very important?Maybe I have an idea what it is and I will discuss it further with myself as the day goes on.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday 13th

It's Friday the 13th.So far well lets see.Alaina cut her foot and needed stitches but that was yesterday but today it is giving her problems.Cami was in a mood and said she was quitting band.Today was the last day of band camp and tomorrow evening they are having a school thing.Chris is having a problem with her foot and I'm worried about it.Me I just slept all day.So I hear this is the only Friday 13th this year.All I can say is good.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Do you know whats wrong with me?

I have just found out something about my self.Something I didn't realize.When the suns goes down my emotional state changes.I get depressed and lonely for some reason.My Mom who had Alzheimers did this and after reading up on when she was alive it was called sundowning.Sundowning is when people with Alzheimers start feeling agitated.I don't feel agitated but I feel depressed and lonely.Have no idea whats going on.Being diabetic maybe that is the reason,I did research on the web about that but it was no real help.Mornings I so full of energy and want to talk and have fun but this is getting to me a bit.I guess more research is needed.Hmmm should I fear the men in the white coats and nets?

Cat lady from hell

Stressful around here today.First off we thought the neighbor had captured one of our cats.She has been doing that lately for some reason,why we don't know.Matty the neighborhood cat who lives here came up missing last week.He wanders from house to house exploring and I know he likes getting into people's cars and rests there.Matty would walk up to a stranger with his tail in the air and make friends.Matty is gone.We had 2 momma cats disappear at the same time last year.A grand total of 20 kittens died because of that.Chris manged to save 1,Patches out of those 2 litters.By the way Patches had her kittens yesterday.T he neighbor's Grandson told me that he and Grandma where catching cats and taking them to cat jail.All she had to do was just let us know our cats where in her yard and we would zoomed out there and got them.I had the talk with her not long ago telling her not to catch the cats just let us get them.I think she is on a mission now just to hurt the cats.Remember this the golden rule"do unto others as you would have them do unto you"Lot of people have forgotten it or maybe never learned it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I never was a tough guy

The Sopranos.That is one of my favorite TV programs.Strange but when It was on HBO it never interested me.But after seeing reruns on A&E I got hooked.I'm not a tough guy like Tony.I don't wont' to be like Tony.But it makes for good TV watching.I'm glad that little ole chicken me doesn't have the heart to kill without mercy.People can do that I have thought when laying in the dark of night in my quiet bed when your mind is racing 430 miles per hour.How can people be so cruel?Like my Aunt Pauline said once I love everyone but there are some I don't like.I know people are different some have no what we use to call a conscious .Some have no remorse.Some are just plain out mean and devilish.I wonder when someone chooses that life if they sleep without nightmares. I am not Tony Soprano.

A time for a hero

I had a hero once.He was someone who could do no wrong.He was big,strong and brave.Righteous and fair always looking out for the underdog.Then one day I grew up and reality hit me hard at age 14.My bubble was busted.But you know maybe It was for the best.On that day I learned we are all just mere humans and maybe that was better than him just being a hero.

I should be dead

I should be dead.Thinking of all the things that have happened to me in my life I wonder why I'm still alive.As a kid I had a bad habit of digging tunnels and caves.Why I made it through that phase without a cave in is a mystery.I slid off a barn once,on my belly I hit the ground with enough force it knocked my breath out.My cousins and I made a tent out of a blanket,why we had a broken brick on top I don't know,but yeah it fell and I had a hole in the top of my head.It was a Sunday and we where running late for church so Momma just reached into the fireplace got a hand full of black soot and dabbed it on the hole in my head.Guess it worked,the bleeding stopped but I did have a black spot on my head for awhile.I had plenty of bike wrecks ending up with scrapes and cuts but never a broken whatever that I know of.Once on my bike I ran into a clothes line it caught me at the neck and thew me off,thought I was dead cause stars where seen and lost my breath again.My worse bike crash happened when I was about 8,coming down a long step hill on a bike the chain came off,to my left was a cow pasture with barb wire in front of me was a car stopped in the road,you know which one I hit,yep the car,It through me off the bike which was smashed double into the back window of the car.The people in the car screamed he's dead he's dead,no I'm not I said raising off the trunk of the car,got out of that one with just a broken front tooth.Gee that football helmet I had on saved me .The close call with cars and still alive amazes me.But you know what they say only the good die young.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Speaking Womanesse

I will never understand women.They just don't have the same humor gene that us men have.What's funny to me will 9 times out of 10 send a women into an eye rolling convulsion.I can be dead serious about a subject and for the sake of me women can't understand what I'm trying to get across.It must be true women are from Venus and men are from Mars.We are so completely different yeah physical difference is obvious but our mental difference is 180 degrees out of wack we have a phase shift going on here.So if by any chance a woman stops by and reads this how about leaving a comment on how we men should speak Womanesse and be understood.

Fortunate sons

There was a song once called Sunday morning coming down.It was one of the saddest I ever have heard.At the time I thought how awful it would be to live like that.Homeless no family around.Could I survive life like that I wonder.I have lived a blessed life sorta.I always had plenty to eat,a bed to sleep in,always had shoes to wear if I wanted to wear them and clothes on my back.I know people who haven't been so fortunate.I have always felt that in this great wonderful country of ours that everyone no matter who or what they have done or didn't do should have food in their belly and a safe place to lay their head at night.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It was a good choice

I use to have a hobby.It was called Amateur Radio or just ham radio for short.I haven't turned a radio on in years now but it's still in my blood as people say.1976 I got my license or ticket hams call it.My call sign was WN4PFG.The N meant I was an novice operator.The term limit on the ticket was 2 years,At that time if you did not upgrade in that 2 year time limit you had to wait another year before retaking the novice test.I got brave and lucky and went to the FCC office in Atlanta and took my general test and passed first try.Back in those days the test was a written test and a code test.When I say code it is morse code or as hams call it cw.5 wpm for novice 13 for general and advanced and 20 wpm for extra,wpm means words per minute.Now my call sign was WA4PFG which I proudly have to this very day as long as I renewed it every 10 years it is mine.I started out with cw as a novice that was the only mode we could use.Upgrading you could use voice,cw,rtty,satelites,etc.I enjoyed cw so that was what I used and became quite comfortable with it.I could drink a cup of coffee smoke a cig and never miss a word copying it all in my head.That was just about the time people started talking about something called home computers.Guess what those home computers sure caught on and just about everyone I knew had one.I heard people talked about them till the point of boring me about the subject.I said to my self no need for me to get one what could I do with a computer.Well guess what I called the Dell man after seeing a TV ad about their computers and 3 days later it arrived.You know what It turned out to be one of the most wonderful things I ever done.All the people I would never have met other wise that computer abled mew to make friends and learn things I never dreamed possible.

Good greasy fried food

My favorite foods.I like home fries with hush puppies and cole slaw.I worked the evening shift quite alot and that was what I cooked when I got home.After midnight in front of the TV eating that greasy fried fattening food.It was great.I remember the first time I made cornbread dressing.It was wonderful I was so proud of my self I had to show the neighbors.Day old cornbread,egg,can of chicken broth and lots of onions chipped up plus the kicker lots of black pepper.Delicious.Potato salad with cornbread greasy cornbread does it get any better that that?I got pretty good at making peach and cherry cobblers.Beans of any kind,pinto,butterbeans,green lima beans,peas like blackeyes,pinkeyes.I can't bake biscuits.My Aunt Lema tried to show me but I never made a good biscuit.So I cheated and bought the frozen biscuits in a bag.Oh they are so good.Did I mention that I gained some weight?It was hard going on a diet but I did once...Ok I just got on the subject of food next time maybe I will get on subject of something healthy.

Dog Days

Saturday morning August 7th and I'm just sitting here my brain is blank.Another hot day but it's like that every where.Having my 3rd cup of coffee and it's pretty good.Mmm some butter cookies and they are excellent with the coffee.It's that time of the day when things move slow.No one is rushing around maybe cause it's Saturday.I think it's dog days now.From what I know that is when it's so hot that it drives dogs crazy.I just remembered ...when I was a kid during what is called dog days Momma would warn me about walking barefooted in the morning dew if I had a cut or something on my feet because it would get infected easy during dog days.Maybe that is just an old wife's tale.I have heard plenty of them.Never wash clothes on Sunday,eat blackeye peas and collards on New years day,what you are doing on New Years day is what you will doing rest of the year.There are many more but that will be a story for another time.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Georgia is my home

Georgia is known for several things.Peanuts,peaches,pimentos, pine trees.I guess the most famous thing or most memorable would be Jimmy Carter.Lots of movies have been made here.Fried Green Tomatoes was one.The Green Berets with John Wayne was filmed was filmed down the road at Fort Benning.Several times I have seen film crews in town with their big lights and trucks filming something.Georgia has mountains in the north Atlantic Ocean to the east and the flat farm land in the southern part of the state.I live in whats called west central Georgia,right on the Georgia/Alabama state line.I was born about 3 blocks away in what was called then City County Hospital.Some of the original hospital still stands but now it is called West Ga Medical Center.Do you remember years ago when you walked into a hospital that smell?The smell of alcohol and ether.I had my tonsils taken out when I was 7 years old and was put to sleep with ether.I remember the smell and being so sick when waking up.The night before it all happen Mom was staying with me in the hospital room.I was restless and crying.A nurse came in and was to give me a shot but I got her crying,my Mom was crying cause I hated shots.So both women where crying along with me.Then it happened.All I remember was a large woman walked into the room and without saying a word rolled me over and stuck me with a needle.So I got my shot.So I know I have strayed off the subject but Georgia is my home,some like it some don't but it is home where I was borned and most likely where I will die.

Lost and found

Have you ever noticed that the french fry that you find in the bag seems to be the best one of all?You know the last one in the bag the one you find after everything else in the bag has been eaten.Then you find one last fry that was hiding.It will be the best .Same way with peanuts.Have you ever run your hands down in the couch hunting for something and find a peanut in the shell,one that escaped the last time you where snacking on them.I guarantee it will be tasty.Maybe this is just a story for a lot of things in life.Maybe I'm writing about things lost and found again.But really I'm just writing about finding that last forgotten fry in the bag.

Keeping peace

Why can't people just get along.I have always went out of my way trying to keep peace.I think some people just want to act like little bratty kids.Oh well what ever makes you happy is what one should do.Many times I have bit my tongue just hoping I would let it go and not say something that later would come back to haunt me.Hope I don't bite my tongue off one day.In my old age I am trying my best to give people room and just let them fume or whatever they do.I just think some people are just rude big mouths and that is their problem not mine.

Juniper Street

I remember when living on Juniper street during summer we had no AC no one did back then.We slept with the doors and windows open yes open.Can you do that these days?Maybe the 50's where different.I never heard of things then like now.Crime is expected ,violence and just plain awful behavior is the norm.Maybe the time of hula hoops and Howdy Doody where the good old days.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Are cats smart?

The cats love keyboards.I have to push them out of the way so I can type.Wish they would pick another spot for their naps.It is aggravating,I will be busy doing something and they will lay on the keyboard and zip bang pow I lose what I was doing.And I think they are deaf and blind cause they have a bad habit of laying in front of people and not moving.They just lay there like they don't care.I made my mind up I figured it out the problem is cats are just not very smart then again maybe they have me figured out.

From Bethel to Lagrange

I never met my Grandpa Smith.He died when Momma was just 5 years old.He was a Baptist preacher and a farmer.Grandpa and Grandma Smith had 13 children.Twin boys where the first born but died shortly after birth.He preached a funeral in LaGrange for someone that they really where not sure what he died of.It was the water,it was bad in the well and lot's of people got sick including Grandpa.He was 40 when he died leaving Grandma with a house full of kids to raise by herself.All of the older kids went to work,being in the country that meant leaving the farm and going to towns like Roanoke,Al or Lagrange.That left momma and her 2 younger brothers and Grandma alone on the farm.Eugene and Bobby mom's brothers tried running the farm but they where just kids.So Grandma said she wasn't living there on the farm alone with the kids so they moved to the big town,Lagrange.So that is the story of how the Smiths ended up in LaGrange.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I need a buzz cut

I took the plunge today.Well not really,what happened was I tried trimming my beard but it didn't work out so well.Better word would be I gapped it out.So I did my best at trim job but ended up just cutting it all off.Not sure if it feels cooler but people say I look 10 years younger and 20 pounds lighter.I think I will keep the clean shaven look for awhile.Now I just need a buzz cut on my head and in style I will be.

Could be worse

Well there just might be something to this global warming thing I hear folks talk about.I 'm not up to date on these scientific things but I know one thing,it is hot dang hot.Being born and raised in the deep south I never minded hot muggy weather much or just didn't pay attention to it.I heard on the TV news that this is the hottest year in recorded history or something like that.Every one I hear from says the same thing it is just hot.Temps near 100 degrees or hotter with the added humidity is just almost unbearable.Someone told me that weather would reverse itself or something like that.Where it's cold will be hot and vice versa.I know just one thing,that snow we had this past winter sure would be nice now but if it snowed here in Georgia during August I would be worrying about the end of the world coming not the hot muggy weather.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just thinking

Don't love hurt,sting and a few other things I can't say here.It is good we humans fall in love.But seems we can fall out of love just as quick.I have a friend who is my age and married to the same woman for 38 years.I find that so amazing and wonderful.I wonder what their secret is for such an enduring relationship?Like the old saying,guess it's true,better to loved and lost then never loved at all.

We still love you it ain't your fault

I never had anything against yankees.Fact is I love a few of them.So they talk funny or say that I do.There is a test us Southern folk give to people that we just ain't sure of where they come from.It is a simple word but tells so much about one.There is a 4 legged animal with a tail that goes bow wow.You answer that little quiz and if I could hear you it would be know to all where you come from.If you answered correctly the answer should have been dawg,but if you said doggg immediately I would have you pegged as one from north of the Mason Dixon line in other words a yankee.So friends I know all can't be blessed being born way down here but there is still hope just come on down you will be welcomed and loved.