Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I should be dead

I should be dead.Thinking of all the things that have happened to me in my life I wonder why I'm still alive.As a kid I had a bad habit of digging tunnels and caves.Why I made it through that phase without a cave in is a mystery.I slid off a barn once,on my belly I hit the ground with enough force it knocked my breath out.My cousins and I made a tent out of a blanket,why we had a broken brick on top I don't know,but yeah it fell and I had a hole in the top of my head.It was a Sunday and we where running late for church so Momma just reached into the fireplace got a hand full of black soot and dabbed it on the hole in my head.Guess it worked,the bleeding stopped but I did have a black spot on my head for awhile.I had plenty of bike wrecks ending up with scrapes and cuts but never a broken whatever that I know of.Once on my bike I ran into a clothes line it caught me at the neck and thew me off,thought I was dead cause stars where seen and lost my breath again.My worse bike crash happened when I was about 8,coming down a long step hill on a bike the chain came off,to my left was a cow pasture with barb wire in front of me was a car stopped in the road,you know which one I hit,yep the car,It through me off the bike which was smashed double into the back window of the car.The people in the car screamed he's dead he's dead,no I'm not I said raising off the trunk of the car,got out of that one with just a broken front tooth.Gee that football helmet I had on saved me .The close call with cars and still alive amazes me.But you know what they say only the good die young.

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