Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Could be worse

Well there just might be something to this global warming thing I hear folks talk about.I 'm not up to date on these scientific things but I know one thing,it is hot dang hot.Being born and raised in the deep south I never minded hot muggy weather much or just didn't pay attention to it.I heard on the TV news that this is the hottest year in recorded history or something like that.Every one I hear from says the same thing it is just hot.Temps near 100 degrees or hotter with the added humidity is just almost unbearable.Someone told me that weather would reverse itself or something like that.Where it's cold will be hot and vice versa.I know just one thing,that snow we had this past winter sure would be nice now but if it snowed here in Georgia during August I would be worrying about the end of the world coming not the hot muggy weather.

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