Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Those voices

Never have I seen anything I could not explain,maybe a few kin folks from Alabama have confused me,but in general all has been easy to cifer.

No ghost,demons with horns,UFO's,loud talkers from north Alabama that get on your nerves,nothing,maybe a few UFO's but do we have to talk about them?

Things heard is a different story.

Those things that go bump into the night.Things you hope are just your brain working over time.

Those things.The scary things.Things that could be real.

Scary things I know.

I'm sane enough to put the weird and crazy stuff away putting them in a box outta the reach of those not stable.

I have heard the dark side a few times.This doesn't have to mean crazy stuff but things that go on in real but strange life.


Several times voices have been heard.The most disturbing was Momma calling my name in the darkness of a room.Never answer those people or what they really are she would always tell me.

Voices calling somebody you can't see but hear them walking down a long hall in woman high heels.I even look but no one was there.

I had a eye witness to this one.This was an old farm like  house where I was living at the time.One night I was awaken by a group of people doing what I thought was praying but it wasn't praying but  I call chanting.My witness heard them also.

This happened daily for a long time.Each afternoon someone having their after supper pipe smoke would fill the room with sweet wonder smoke.They are missed.

There are more,all true,but I had to save room for those Alabama folks and their UFO tales.

And Happy Halloween to you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Always something

As Roseanne Rosannadanna would say on Saturday Night Live"it's always something".

I know the feeling.

Please bare with me even though you have heard my story before,maybe too many times.


Yes food.I will try making this quick as possible.

I have a serious problem going on here.

Food turns me off!

Momma said that food is just one of lives little pleasures.She was so right.

Yes it's true,this ain't no April Fool joke,all food,or the side effects of medicine have killed my desire for food.Once I would crave the foods I like,burgers,fries,on and on.Comfort food but honest it just gags me thinking of it.

I hope soon I will get back to my love of food.It's not fun.

Monday, October 26, 2015

James Brown said...

I feel good.

Today is October 26th and about two months I've been taking a break from the blog.Nothing amazing to write about but a few things have passed by my plate in the recent past.

I was dying...

ICU for four months and two days of it I just knew my fife was over.

Scared and miserable...

That's what I was.Double pneumonia they called it.I won't get into the details but I was in pretty bad shape for awhile.

I had a lot of things going in my body but the worse thing was shortness of breath.For two days I could not get my breath.Relief came only after long needles where used for draining fluid from my lungs.Thank God for Doctors and Nurses who have their hands touched that can do things like this and know how to treat people.

Gasping for air I admit scared I was.

I hope it never happens again but if it does please Lord let my suffering be quick not as Jesus had to endure on the cross.