Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Sweet Lord


Have you noticed whats going on with our food?

Look on your meal ticket tell me what is different.Look closely,do you see anything?

No not extra carrots,not more zucchini or squash,that awful beef with rice with gravy sprinkled with hidden mushrooms is still on the menu,chicken hasn't disappeared,chicken legs and that mumbo jumbo laced with carrots is still here.

What may you ask is out of the ordinary?


Milk is missing from our menu.No skim,fat free,2%,or sweet milk and My Sweet Lord help us no buttermilk with our cornbread.

Milk has disappeared.It's not listed on our tea,coffee or juice menu.

Inquiring minds wonder what happened.

Life without milk and cornbread think about it!

Monday, May 18, 2015


What a sweet dream Mr.James my roomie had last night.

Seems his dream was about working at a food distributor place.He worked all night packing boxes of M&M candy.

Mr.James don't forget me in your dreams.

I'm partial to chocolate peanut M&M's.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Reflections of my life

I had to fight back tears.

Please Lord don' let me end up this way.

A little gray haired lady cruised up next to me with tears in her eyes asking if I knew where her Momma and Daddy are.

I could only hold her hand as I thought about my Momma and the mental pain she suffered crying nightly for her Momma and Poppa.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Thanks kitchen staff.

That big hot bowl of black eye peas and perfect cornbread made my day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hot coffee and cold eggs

A cup of hot coffee, Folgers please, would be nice right now,none of that reheated stuff.

While I'm griping about things how does warm eggs sound for breakfast?

Skipped super again last night,just couldn't face another meal like brown rice with beef and mushrooms and zucchini with that slimy vegetable combo.

A few other things peeved me off yesterday but wont go into details.

I know,I'm a whiner.

Hope your day is good!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Monday

Don't think it could get worse.

It just did.

The lunch menu is steamed carrots,green bean casserole(I THINK)and pork with gravy.

Plus the cable is out,last time the bill wasn't payed.

Monday Monday!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Mad as hell

Like in the movie Network I'm also"mad as hell and not going to take it anymore".

Food that is not good is what I'm talking about.Hospital food.

Maybe it's my taste buds,maybe it's cause old age has changed me,maybe it's cause the food is just bad.

Whatever the reason is something has got to change.

My breakfast is excellent no complains but it's the only prepared cooked on premises meal we residents get,lunch and supper are well different.

I'm hard pressed finding one meal from the hospital that is appetizing.Many days I skip lunch and supper because the food is just bad.Buttermilk with cornbread or a fried egg sandwich from the kitchen or just a cup of coffee gets me through the bad food days.

Example of a supper we had recently was a baked hard fish patty,a handful of cold curly fries and two small rock hard hush puppies.Carrots are plentiful here,one meal was steamed carrots,peas and carrots mixture and with a chicken pasta dish with you guessed it,carrots hid under the pasta.

Please don't even get me started on chicken.

When food is thrown way because it's unappetizing is a shame.Good tasting food just makes better sense even if it cost more in the long run.