Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Knuckle cream celebration day

One of the greatest inventions of the last century has got to be one of the simplest but much needed and over look items known to man.

What would we do without it is now an unheard  reality of modern man.Through man kind this item was over looked by early man looking for answers to life's most troubling questions,questions and answers man pondered when night falls and man is free to imagine.

Today I proudly announce  results of this known study to men and women of the world.

Knuckle cream.Yes knuckle cream.

If not for knuckle cream our knuckles would be bare and quite unsightly.

So be it known on this day of April 1st each year at this time shall forth be known as knuckle cream celebration day.

By the way.........

April Fools Day!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Problem solved

Is it wrong for me to feel this way?

Talking about the situation here at the home affectingly known as Hotel California.

This is what I'm talking about.Food.Let me start at the beginning.Three meals each day we are served.Breakfast in my opinion is excellent,no complaints here.In fact the staff goes out of their way to make sure breakfast is made to order.

But lunch and supper prepared by WGHS  is what my complaint is about.It's bad.Frozen vegetables like zucchini,cauliflower etc cant replace food like most Southerners have been raised on.Butter beans,black eyed peas,potatoes fried and sliced and the ever present cornbread are staples in most Southern homes not turkey sausage and other imitation beef meat by products.I had some meat the other day that will remain as undisclosed for a better description.

More food is wasted than served.It should be the other way around.

Good food will solve this problem.

Rainy mornings

A rainy morning.

I like it.

More the better if it's stormy with thunder and lighting.There is something relaxing and soothing about morning rain.Add some wind to the mixture and you might have a perfect situation.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Center of my mind

Join me for a trip of my brain.

January of this year I awoke to a stroke.It started on a normal day but the room was full of flashing streaks of golden lights.It sounded as if when people talked there was an echo and they spoke in slow motion.My eyes seemed cross eyed and blurry.

Something wasn't right.

This was Friday afternoon.By Saturday I was persuade a trip to the ER was needed.11 hours later about 5 am I was back home after being told my potassium level was low.

I was fine except for a nagging headache to the back of my head.

Monday was a different story.

At breakfast I was confused.I was trying to keep it to myself.Trying to eat was impossible.I had forgot how to use a fork and spoon.

Words are just a bag of these common meanings that confused me more.Up down right left made no sense.This time straight with siren blasting off to the ER was my first trip of the day.

A Cat Scan was the first of many test that cold Monday.MRI followed with sonogram and the ever present needles etc.

Really how many test I can't recall.

3 days later I'm back home.

I won't say things are better but different.Some words still give me problems,dates really cause problems at times and don't think anything about it if I forget your name,of course I remember you, this problem getting words out is sometimes hard.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blue plate surprise

What it was I have no idea.

But chicken it ain't.

Something in the food category with gravy is my guess.

I have a thing about food,if I can't spell or pronounce it I don't eat it.Same with that blue plate surprise at lunch.

I'm craving some down home food like black eye peas,some big white butter beans with thin hot cornbread and please don't forget the fried sliced taters.

Just right

Just like Goldilocks and those three bears talked about it was just right.

A perfect night.

Not too warm,not too cold,not too hard,not too soft.

Wrapped in a comfy blanket,gentle rain serenading me,the early morning was just right for peaceful sleep.

Goldilocks and those bears got the night just right.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

It's cold outside

It's not that hot is it?

I feel like that Rip Van Winkle guy who slept all those years under a tree because I must have been sleeping and missed something.

Where did spring go?

Just between us and General Lee the ground hog, winter is still hanging around.

People for over the past few days have proudly exclaimed victory over winter but I for one know different.

It's cold out side baby.Laying in my comfy blanket soaking in the last rays of heat from the sun I long for summer.

Enough of winter time. Bring on June's warmth,the 4th of July,the dog days of August.

77 degrees like today is not exactly summer time yet.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


A short story.

1/8/15 I had a stroke.

I woke up knowing something was wrong.A headache back of my head,confusion,was the tell tale signs.

Cat Scan straight from the ER,more test,no time yet to be scared.

Words are just starting to make sense.

Thank God!

More later.