Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lost innocence

51 years ago, November 22nd,1963,a simpler time,a Friday,about 2 pm est,a cloudy but mild day,11 years old in the 6th grade at East Newnan Elementary life as we had known it changed.

President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas,Texas.

Principal Hemphil announced over the loud speaker in each class room that the President was dead.

It started raining and turned cold that afternoon.

All TV networks, just 3 at that time,in black and white broadcast around the clock news,updates,interviews with witnesses and speculation about who or what had killed JFK.

I watched live on TV Saturday as Lee Harvey Oswald the accused assassin was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.

It has been called the end of Camelot.

America had lost it innocence.

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