Friday, November 7, 2014

Watcha talking bout Willis

I should have known.

Past few days here at the old folks home I've had some interesting conversations.

I guess you could call them interesting,different for sure but mostly just confusing.A few of the residents have  engaged me in conversations and it's like they are speaking some unknown foreign long forgotten language.

I could not make heads or tails out of what they were saying.They could have been speaking French or something but I just could not understand them.

I was so glad,after agreeing with what ever it was they were talking about they finished up and moved along.

Another resident rolls up and starts their story just like I'm suppose to know what they are talking about.It seems I'm missing something and when I ask what they are talking about it's like they don't hear me and continue with their story.

Silly me.

I totally missed it.

Now I know why the confusion.

Last night was the Beaver/Frosty full moon.

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