Saturday, October 11, 2014

Not in my box

Just sitting around the big fireplace talking about the subject of us residents being put out on the streets due to government shutdowns,WW3,things beyond our control,invasion by those bad boy reptilian aliens so on and so on was the topic the other day.

Gary J my friend and fellow resident here at the OFH have a plan.

Like all good former Boy Scouts of the past we are prepared.

I have found a clean large pasteboard box suitable for human habitation and have it folded neatly flat and stored under my bed.

When and if that days comes Gary J in his power chair will lead the way pulling me in my wheelchair and off to find a suitable place to live we will go.

We have decided that living under an railroad bridge would be the most suitable place we could call our humble abode.Being a lot them close by is also a plus because Gary J is not the best power chair driver having a tendency to run over and into things not meant to be.So a railroad bridge close by would be ideal.

But like all things in life there are problems with this idea of living under an railroad bridge.

Gary J has said he will live in my pasteboard box with me because he is afraid of snakes,bugs and the fact he gets cold easy.

Sorry Gary J but that is just not going to happen my friend.

Not in my box.

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