Friday, October 24, 2014

Let me tell you about my best friend

My first and best friend.

Standing Rock,Alabama 4 years old living out were no other children lived I wanted a friend.

Every time Uncle Lavert who was a policeman in Roanoke came by I begged for a dog.

Sure enough one day he came by and with him was this small black and white dog my dog.

At first Lassie was scared shy and ran away.Yes I named him Lassie even though he was a male dog,you see I watched that TV series Lassie and it seemed like a fitting name.

After a few days Lassie came home,hungry,thirsty and friendly.

We hit it off quick.Lassie became my 4 legged shadow were I went Lassie went.

My protector.Once we where outside,back then parents just turned kids loose and they played all day outside without the worry of today's crazies,into a ditch covered by a small wooden bridge I fell.

Maybe I was knocked out for a bit laying on the jagged rocks,Daddy drove over the bridge but didn't hear my cries for help.I kid you not Lassie ran home and brought back my parents.

After we moved back to LaGrange living on Juniper Street I'm guessing I was 7 years old,sitting on a porch with other Juniper Street hooligans waiting on the police to come and get one of the kid's Daddy who was drunk two cops came walking up the steep steps parting us kids like Moses did the Red Sea Lassie took offense to it and growled at one of the cops and he reached for his belt with the pistol on it and I screamed you better not shoot my dog!

The cop quickly took his hand off the gun and proceeded to his crime fighting of the day hauling drunks out of houses.

Grandma Haynes would walk across the street and I swear Lassie would stand on his hind legs place his front paws on her arm as if guiding her to safety.

Lassie stayed with me for 6 years.We were living on Big Springs Road and he just didn't come home one day.

Miss you love you Lassie.

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