Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The cure

Things not looking good in the world.

First on my mind this morning is those dog coward hideous ISIS and their brutal beheading of American journalist.In my opinion they are the scum of the Earth and may a just as equal brutal death come to them.

Now for St Louis.This black/white hate has risen it's ugly racist head again.I think this Country will never be free.

Locally 12 year old is suspected of armed robbery.Was this kid raised by jackals out in the wilderness or did he really have parents?Obviously not caring parents.

We still have hope but I  think it will be the second coming of my Lord Jesus Christ that will be the cure.

1 comment:

Sassy said...

John, this was prophesied in the Bible. Jesus had to come and teach us and look what they did to Him. And yet He asked His Father to forgive them. This generation coming up right now has no conscience. They think anything they do is no one's business but theirs. This world is going out of control. We must cling to God, worship and praise Him. Bring your concerns to Jesus always.