Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sons of Southern Straight Shooters

I've been caught and revealed.

The world now knows the truth,the whole story.

Sit back and hold on as I  tell this sordid tale.

I am an agent of the Georgia Mafia.

Sons of Southern Straight Shooters as we are affectionately called.My assignment with the SSSS was to cause confusion and mayhem to our Brothers and Sisters north of Hogansville,Georgia.

Them Yankees.

Things I would do like upon their entry into the great state of Georgia give them the official are you a Yankee test.

What is that thing that is fury,wags it's tail and goes bow wow?If their answer was dog I knew further investigation was needed.The correct answer should have been dawggg.

Sweet milk or buttermilk with your bowl of cornbread?If they said ewww and gaged you knew on the spot they were Yankees.

Peanuts in your Co Cola or peanuts with your Co cola?This reveals much of our teste's personality.Peanuts in your Co Cola is the correct answer.

Who was the King and what was the number of his car and you get bonus points for naming the correct color of his car?Any answer other than Richard Petty and Petty blue for his car would be an abomination.Long live the King.

By the way.You do know who the Intimidator was don't you?If you don't that would get even a Southern born and raised redneck exiled from 3 states in Dixie and the District of Columbia.

Potted meat,Vienna's and moon pies.If those items are not in your food cabinet chances are you're not  from these parts.

In closing I must admit.Those people North of Hogansville,Georgia ain't all that bad,really.

I welcome my Brothers and Sisters from the North with open arms.

And in closing Dear Loved ones,when that great day arrives and you truly realize that Georgia is the greatest State in this here Union,I will personally buy you a Greyhound bus ticket and we shall travel down I-85 to Montgomery,Alabama to the steps of the state Capitol where we shall kneel at the feet of Ole Jeff Davis's stature and give blessings and thanks for being the  Chosen Ones living in the Great State of Georgia.


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