Thursday, January 30, 2014

Random ramblings

Thankful for headphones.

One of my roomies must be over medicated.He repeats the same thing over and over all last night.A broken record.

5 degrees as this is being wrote.

Guess what?

City truck with a load of sand showed up a day late and dollar short as in the old saying.

The driveway here is clear of ice since yesterday.

Atlanta mayor getting flack about not being prepared for snow bowl 2014.So is the governor.

Will they take responsibility or pass the buck?

Ms Ruby stayed over at the old folks home Tuesday night so us residents would have hot food.Thank you! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hard day

After a long hard day of life this is what I need!

Old folks home

The sounds,smells,attitudes of some people at the old folks home you get use to.

Sounds of grown people in their second childhood,crying,pouting,confused and just very pitiful.

The smells you can only guess.But what can you do.What peeves me off is not the smells but the attitude of some who work here.I'm sure they don't pee perfume and I bet their s... does stink also.So enough of the holier than thou mind set.

I must say in fairness some of the best people ever work here.I tell the CNA's daily how much I appreciate them.Without them I would be up that creek without a paddle.

Some should not be here.This is a job where you have to be compassionate to people and if your heart is not in the job you should not be working here.

This is how I see life at the old folks home.

My father's son

I am
My father's son
Now I understand
Things you said and done

I am
Just like you
In the way
I think and do

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I see snow
The drill you know
Off to the stoe
We better go

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Room 31 will be closed for business Tuesday and Wednesday because of snow.

Mr B,Wille,Paul and me can be found at Callaway Monument sliding down the big hill in our pasteboard boxes.

Paul has been elected as room 31 spokesman because he has a way with words.

Please direct all inquires to Paul.

Room 31 thanks you in advance.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reason escapes me

I want to go home!

That's what a new resident said today.

A lady about my age I will guess.

A feeling of sadness like a damp blanket covered me.She was lost,not knowing where she was or why.

I noticed her a few days ago and at first thought she was a visitor till I noticed a bracelet on her arm that locks doors automatically if you try opening them.

Dementia is a cruel disease.

Several here are in the different stages of it.

My Mom suffered with it for years.

God there must be a purpose for this and all other suffering but that reason why escapes me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Crossed eyed

These folks using those blue tooth gadgets talking on their phone confuse me.

Are they talking to me,someone else or themselves?

It could be me they are talking to so I better listen,no it's someone else and I'm being rude listening,no they are just crazy people talking to themselves quick hide from them.

I had a crossed eyed boss years ago.

Same thing.

Often I wondered who he was talking to.

Dial up

I always knew this day would come.

It has happened.

I am old.

My brain is like dial up internet in a DSL world.

Thinking fast is a thing of the past for me.Sometimes I see and hear in slo mo.Names are my biggest problem.Can't get them out fast enough.But give me time the name will come to me.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Laying here in bed last night,the call button system out,that's how us residents let the Nurses and Cna's know something is needed,my mouth felt like cotton.I had been eating honey roasted sunflower seeds and I was thirsty for a drink of water and my container was empty.

Dozing off thirsty thinking how a sip of water would be so wonderful.

Around midnight I woke up and reaching for my container it was still empty and I was even more thirsty.

Dozing off again but not for very long and I made a bad choice a few more handfuls of sunflower seeds I snacked on.

Awake,thirsty staring at my water container in the dark room lit by the street lights through the open window I seen it.

Ice in the water container!

Cold delicious refreshing life saving water.

My life was good again.

Thank you unknown life saver for that cool drink of water.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


You are the smell of honeysuckle in spring
You are the smell of burning leaves in fall
You are the cool breeze on a summer's day
You are the howling wind on a winters's night


I watched with interest this week on TV as Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed and several other dignitaries where at a ground breaking for something or another.

Shovels in hand they lifted them in sync.

The dignitaries got it right.Into the hole their dirt went.

But a different outcome for the mayor.

His shovel was turned sideways and his load of dirt just slipped off.

Might have been proof the mayor never used a shovel before or did anything or any kind of real work.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Going to the show

Kids my generation called it going to the show.

Most of the time those movie trailers where better than the movie.

Remember standing outside the show with your friends looking at the movie posters saying"I wanna see that?

How can...

Slaw dog and tater chips for lunch.

How can I  convince someone to sneak out and get me a vanilla milkshake?

Full moon strikes

Full moon strikes the old folks home.

Supper time last night was entertaining.

I heard someone growling like a dog.No I didn't turn around to see who or maybe what it was.

Another resident fussing and cussing another because he thinks other resident has moved into his home.It got loud for a bit.

Nurses walking around praying "Lord help me Jesus".

Another nurse said I'm not going to medicate that woman I'm going to medicate myself.

Just another full moon around the home.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Oh I think...

New year same old politics.

Shame on you Republicans in the Senate.

They voted not to extend long term unemployment benefits for USA citizens out of work.

What is it with these people?

Oh I think I understand.

No help for our citizens because banks and big business might need that spare cash laying around.

Seen a poll that 55% of the American citizens approve of extending benefits 34% don't favor  it.

I guess that 34% must have a job.


CNN asks if Duck Dynasty scandal will help or hurt show?

Uhhh...what scandal?

Monday, January 13, 2014


Nothing to write about.

Same ole thing in politics.

NJ governor caught up in George Washington Bridge gate.Maybe it should be caller Revenge gate.That's all it boils down to.Governor mad at mayor for non support in his Presidential campaign.One Lady did die because of all this silliness.Charges for that in my humble opinion.

Republicans desperate.Saying NJ governor not as bad as President and Hillary.

Rodman in Korea running his mouth.His good friend is Kim Something Whatever or as I call him Crazy Little Fat boy the one who had his Uncle executed.Nice kid huh.

Weather.Everybody got some.

Food.Chicken everyday some sort or fashion or another.

I'm just blank on what is interesting to write about.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

I had a view

Two years ago today I was wheeled into this place called Twin Fountains Home.

It was a Wednesday about 5 PM,cold and looked like it would start snowing any minute.

The ride from the hospital wasn't long enough for me.

Thinking my life was over,depressed I was.

Down to room 31 and the first thing noticed was a big over sized window right next to my bed.

I had a view!

A lot of things  in the past two years have changed.

People that where in my life some have passed on and will be missed.

I have adjusted pretty good to this new environment I think.

Don't get me wrong I sure would love being back in my home looking after myself but I've accepted that's not possible.

Monday, January 6, 2014

There is a difference

Black folks church white folks church.

There is a difference.

I watch blacks folks having church on TV and I get so inspired.The music is soulful and people get the spirit when praising the Lord.

White folks might say amen every once in awhile but we are not into it like black folks.They are having fun.

Then there is that other thing.

Drive by black folks church on Sunday and they are still there at 5 pm.They have church all day.

White folks make sure that there is a clock at the exit door and the preacher can see it.

At 12 noon church better be over cause us white folks done got hungry.

The Lord may be talking to our soul but Burger King and McDonalds is talking to our belly.

This song makes me ...hungry


Homer Simpson lie...not everyone likes chicken.

Hate it

Well the title of my last post was Love it!

Title of this one will be Hate it!

Ranger Texas Jr rolls into the room and proceeds to turn his rap box on loud and rolls on out.

That's about as rude and inconsiderate as grabbing the TV remote without asking please may I and changing channel to some women's basketball game or the same ole program we all have seen over and over so he can tell everyone what's going to happen next.

Thank goodness I have headphones and can drown out this silliness at night.

Funny thing is he is dead asleep soon as his head hits the bed.

Hate it!

Love it

No big surprise.

Snow was a no show.

Never is snow predicted here and it happens.

It just sneaks up on us when least expected.

One thing is guaranteed.

Mention snow and everyone makes that grocery store run for milk and bread.

Snow in Georgia.

Love it!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

No waiting

One thing we all have in common.

Each of us will face this sooner or later.


Some will die young others old.

I believe what the Bible and Jesus said about death.

Death is like a deep sleep.

In the grave we will stay till Jesus returns and meet him in the sky.

This is what bothers me about the whole situation.

I hope when death visits me and I'm in the grave please let the resurrection be quick.

I don't want to spend days,years,centuries in the grave.

The ideal thing would be like my Aunt Pauline use to say she wanted to live till the Rapture.

I agree with her.

No waiting.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Told you

I told you I'm not smart.

But common sense I have.

All this turkey this turkey that,baked and broiled meats,steamed carrots with broccoli etc is not the only way to eat healthy.

So go out and get yourself a Big Mac and large fries!

What it means

Low fluffy clouds moving in
Flocks of birds flying I've never seen
Bet it's going to snow
Yeah that's what it means

Friday, January 3, 2014

Monkey see monkey do

I was watching TV yesterday and a commercial for tacos came on.

These yuppie tree climber broccoli eating types riding their bicycles were rushing to this taco stand for what they exclaimed was the best thing since sunlight on a dreary dark day.

Turkey tacos.

Yes my fellow fat boys they done gone and ruined a good thing.Turkey in tacos of all things.

Now all the sheep of the world will follow suit and no more beef in tacos will be allowed.

Folks that was a commercial and those people were being paid to say those things about turkey in tacos and it was the people that raise turkeys paying for all that propaganda.

It's not true that turkey tacos are refreshing and healthy they are trying to fool you my friend.

Think for yourself free thinkers of the world think.

Don't be monkey see monkey do.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A willing subject

It has started again.

My face is blotched up and stinging like I fell in a bed of fire ants.

Nobody knows why this happens every so often.

Tomato soup?Spicy foods?Laundry detergent?

Who knows.


I may have an answer a far fetched answer that is just as reasonable as any other.


Yes those pesky invaders from another time and dimension.

I did have a dream or was it in fact a reality a few days ago.

Awaken late one night by someone whistling" I'm a Rambling Wreck From Georgia Tech And a Heck Of an Engineer"there it stood at the foot of my bed.

A little gray alien.

I kid you not.

Her name was Henryetta(it was stamped on her belt buckle).

Henryetta spoke up saying" hi there earthling"then shot me with what I think was a laser pistol.

I think this laser pistol was a device to make me a willing subject.

Off I was whisked to a waiting space ship way way up in the sky.

I think things were done to me but maybe that was just wishful thinking.Not really sure of that at all.

All I can really be sure of is after the tests done on me they did give me a snack of cold chicken legs and potato salad.

Seems I can't get away from chicken even when abducted by little gray aliens.

Now back to that laser pistol Henryetta shoots me with.

In my humble opinion that is the cause of my face blotching up.

I am under the influence benadryl as this is being wrote so use your on judgement if any of this is true.


Explain this to me.

Why is it when someone quotes what the Bible said to be true they are ridiculed and when someone"comes out"with something that the Bible condemns they are touted as heroes?

There is right and wrong.

There is light and dark.

There is no in between.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Duty calls

Poor little things.

Never had a chance to grow up,get a job,fall in love,marry and raise little chickens of their own.

Talking about these little chicken legs we had for supper

Guess duty called and those little chickens joined the Colonel's army.

New way of doing things

It's so 2013 to own a cell phone.

Gone are the days that everyone had this little hand held Star Trek communicators that we cuddled like our new born child.

Every woken moment is spent checking for missed calls,emails and Facebook updates from our friends.

This texting thing got out of control back in 2013.

People driving,walking while texting.I'm so glad that was just a fad of the past.For awhile I just knew our DNA would be mutated and the need for vocal cords would be like now not needing the hairy bodies of our caveman ancestors cause they figured out they could buy warm clothes at Walmart.

Yes no need for cell phones in the year 2014.

The folks that still have and use that old technology risk being called nerds.

Welcome to 2014 and a new way of doing things!