Wednesday, December 4, 2013

See things clearly

I just knew it.

If I lived long enough this day would come.

Heard on an international news agency which will remain nameless this report that makes my heart flutter and skip a beat(no it's not that angina thing acting up) with excitement.

Fried foods like taters, chicken and burgers are good for you.Seems there was a error in this cholesterol scare of the past few years.Cholesterol it seems we need and is good for us.In fact the American people aren't getting enough grease in their diet.

And this diabetic thing is just a ho- ax as Lewis Grizzard would say.We be sweet is ok.Eat more Snickers and Zag Nut candy bars.

Phooey on salads,broccoli and cauliflower.I had the suspicion that healthy eating stuff was just a Communist plot to kill us all anyway.

As I lay here in a no jog mode smoking a cigar working on my second bottle of Jim Beam eating my 4th corn dog I see things so clearly now(well it was clear before I started on the second bottle of Jim).

Yes my fat out of shape Brothers of the round counter stool at Krystal eat a few for me and while we being healthy chili cheese fries sound good but don't forget my diet Dr Pepper don't want to overdo this healthy eating thing.

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