Friday, November 22, 2013

Dope money

I heard Momma and Daddy ask each other this many times.

Got any dope money?

Yes dope money for the dope wagon.

Before you whip out your phones and start dialing Crime Stoppers let me explain.

All is good,calm down.

Years ago in the cotton mills there was a man who pushed a wagon through the mill offering snacks and Cokes.

At one time Co Colas had small amounts of get this cocaine.They where called dope.

So the named given to the wagon with snacks was called the dope wagon and your lunch money was called dope money.

Around the old folks home they have just a snack cart with Cokes,juice,crackers and such.

But several times a day the nurses push around what I could call a real dope wagon.It has the resident's medications on it.

So there you have it.

Momma and Daddy's dope money for the dope wagon.

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