Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Creepy crawler

I have no idea what to write about.No earth shattering news to report.Everything is just so so lately.Well that's not quite right.I think,maybe it was,yes I'm sure I seen a little baby creepy crawler the other day at the rock water fountain.A snake.Lizards are over populated at the water fountain but this snake is a first for me.Brown,tiny, I first mistaken it for a worm.But it crawled like a snake and best I could tell it had a tongue that flickered in and out.It crawled or squirmed right towards me.Never did I feel threaten by little no shoulders.Now as I'm writing this I have this thought.Where there is a baby creepy crawler there must be a Momma creepy crawler.So on my next outing to the wilds of the water fountain my eyes will be keen on the lookout for more creepy crawlers.

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