Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Love.Is it really possible.Only in fairy tales I was told.Nothing last for ever someone said.Maybe it does work for some.I wish words would come to me to help explain what I really feel on the subject.We all want and I think need that feeling of being loved.Someone we can trust.Someone who is there when you get so low your head bumps the ground.Someone who shares the good and the bad in life.Your right hand.Well I have been there a few times in my life.I guard my heart these days.For you that love works I congratulate you.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Spooky van

I have a friend who has a Dodge van.I think it’s  at the least spooky.Every time I have been in that vehicle I get depressed.Bad vibes,karma call it what you want but something is not kosher with it.Once someone seen a black dark figure ,angry figure sitting next to me in the van.All I felt was depressed.I was thinking ,my friend bought the van used and maybe something bad happened in it.Often I have thought maybe it was used as a corners transport vehicle and had seen all sorts of gruesome things.What ever is going on something is just not right with that Dodge.

The wind howled

The wind howled last night.It reminded me of a man with a deep voice moaning.Today I was awaken by the flash of lighting and rolling thunder.Rain is still here but won't complain.It will be needed soon.Lately Georgia has suffered through year after year of drought conditions so every drop from the Heavens is needed and be thankful for it.Really I like this type of weather.It gives me a peaceful easy feeling.

Friday, February 17, 2012

John the Baptist

My hair and beard are gray and long.I was told by a Lady here on the staff my new name from now on will be John the Baptist.Strange because the other day a preacher was visiting a roommate.We introduced ourselves but he miss understood me or me him cause all he was saying over and over was are you John the Baptist.No I said I’m just John.It bothered me some after he left it was that strange.That was on a Sunday.The following Friday I was Baptized.So if John the Baptist is my new nickname I will proudly take it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A new person

Back in Georgia.Back in LaGrange.It’s home.A lot of things have changed in the last couple of years for me.I just got Baptized.February 10 2012.Peaceful is how I can describe my attitude now.On a hot July night 2004 at 3am sitting at my computer I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.Over the years maybe I have swayed from him at times and I lost that peaceful feeling.Now I have it back and want to keep it.The Baptism was done in a round about way.Not being able to walk anymore there was a problem.But people here at the nursing home found a way.So last Friday I was loaded onto a bus in my wheelchair.Several people I now call dear friends went with me .Off to the hospital we went.There they have a large whirlpool type bath that you can be lowered down into.So with the staff from Twin Fountains and a room full of joyous hospital staff I was lowered and immerse into the water and baptized by my preacher.I did shed tears from such an out pouring of love.While I was being dressed they where singing in the next room and giving praise unto the Lord.You a member of a large family now a Lady told me.I feel as I really am.I won’t mention everyone's names that brought all this together.For you I’m so thankful.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New window new view

Hi everyone.This is an update on my life.I’m living at a nursing home now since January 12th.Guess what all is good with me.There is a lot to keep you busy here plus the staff is excellent and I’m making friends.The food is excellent.A super nice room here also.I’m so thankful for Twin Fountains Home.Feeling good and in good sprits.More later.With love John.