Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Strange things but no bumps in the night

I have never been a believer in ghost.Only seen or think I seen one thing in the past that I'm not sure of.As a child I heard some one or some thing calling my name,it sounded like a large group of people calling me.Then once at 21 I was alone one night and a voice that sounded like a woman called my name,it said John one time.I told Momma and she said never answer when someone calls your name,I didn't ask for an explanation.Lately I have noticed some strange things.I felt someone poke me in my back the other night while sitting here.Turning around I expected to see one of the kids but no one was there.Out of the corners of my eye I see things move,things like black shadows that move fast and through walls.Laying in bed alone I have felt the mattress give like some one has layed next to me but no one is there.On a few occasions I have woken to see a woman in a long dress with dark long hair just looking at what was on shelves or on the wall,there is no sound and I fall back to sleep.I ask Chris the next morning what she was looking for that late at night but she said it wasn't her.Strange but none of this stuff I see or feel scares me.I know I'm awake when this happens but I can't explain any of it.

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