Sunday, December 19, 2010

Back from the dead

Back from the land of the dead.

Let me fill you in.Monday afternoon my life was saved.You Dear friend know who you are and I thank you from the deepest part of my heart.

Some background info.

For five days I could not stand the thought of food.I only wanted fluids.Ice water,Gatorade and 7 up.I was throwing up everything even some stuff that wasn't supposed to be there.Talking blood here folks .Felt like a bear had me in a death grip squeezing the life out of me.I was gasping for air.I had to go,go the ER.
Ambulance was called and in a few minutes with siren blasting they drove up.In the ambulance for the short ride to the ER.No pulse,can't find a heart rate the EMT in back with me told the driver.In the ER straight back no waiting and they started working on me.IV's,sticking me with needles,covering me with warm blankets cause my body temp was dropping.Oh those warm blankets where so nice.

Diabetic ketoacidosis was what the diagnose was.

Up to ICU for two days,then a regular room for two more days.Home now and really I feel good,just a bit weak.My friend said I was ready to checkout.I wasn't scared just disappointed.Saturday night before I was crying to myself,this is not fair,heal me or let me go.I was that sick.With all my other problems this wasn't needed.Like everything this to has a reason.I appreciate my Dear friend so much now.I will not be so hardheaded and learn from this.So my friend's,that is how my week is going.Feeling good on the mend and happy for another chance at life.


AngelJulia56 said...

AngelJulia here. Oh JohnLee, so much suffering but God is good and He loves you so much! I'm sorry you had to go through all that but praises be, it was a week and not longer. I am so glad you are back among the living. I love you, my friend. May God greatly bless you and yours.

Anonymous said...

John, Wow, I had no idea until today, Sept 27/11. Thank God you survived this horrific ordeal.

My best wishes and prayers are with you. Why not give me a note once in a while? My e-mail addy is still the same, Would love to hear from you!!!