Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kugleburg Welander Syndrome

I don't think this has been mentioned but once in my blog.I was born with an neurological problem called Kugleberg Welander Syndrome.KWS for short.I started noticing it when I was about 12 years old.I would stumble and fall.Running was difficult and most likely I would fall.As time went on walking up steps and getting up from chairs where difficult.I really never took it so serious or did I feel sorry for myself saying things like why me what did I do to deserve this.Just wasn't my style.At time s it was just a hassle dealing with it and it did hold me back from doing things I wanted to do.It is an inherited disease,both parents must carry the gene.My uncle JD,Daddy's brother had it and was dead by 40.So here I am at age 58,my left arm and leg don't work right but pain is minimal.I think maybe that is arthritis.After a some what nasty fall and ending up with a blackeye and goose egg on my forehead Chris said maybe it was time I got some help.So for the past few years I have been using a powerchair.It sure makes getting around easier and the risk of falling is now zero.So this is what I'm writing about today.

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