Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Much deserved

I will whip you on the spot.

Those words ringed in head.62 years old and never have I forgotten Daddy's promise.He would have done it and maybe those words kept me in line as a kid.

That Momma in Baltimore who gave her son a much needed on the spot whipping in public reminds me of Daddy.

Respect is one thing he taught me.And the fear of that whooping in public.

You know I thank God for having a Daddy that cared enough for me he would do that.

Many times that love was needed....and much deserved. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Okay with it


Raining all over the world.

Least that is the way it seems.

And I'm okay with it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Better ways to spend my time

Those Cartwright boys.

Ben,Adam,Hoss and Little Joe.

Lately they have been just a bit uppity for my taste.When did Adam get so mean and Hoss turn into such a big bully?Little Joe is now a womanizer preying on older lonely rich women.Ben I find hard disliking.The man has bad luck with women.3 times a widow raising those boys with only Hop Sing as help bless his heart.

Stop right there.

I changed my mind.A story about the Cartwright's doesn't interest me now.

There are better things to discuss.

Like listening to crickets on a summer's night.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Elders acting badly

Elders acting badly.

Before I start the guilty shall remain just that guilty.

Yesterday all heck broke loose about supper time here at Hotel California.It was a code 3 in in prison talk,mayday,SOS,you get the picture,things where getting out of control.

I first noticed things were getting bad when Ms A rolled onto scene screaming at the top of her lungs HELP!

Ms A just likes screaming HELP! any chance she gets day or night.Refreshing your memory,she was the Lady who for no reason poured icy cold water on my head(at all times know where she is and never turn your back on her).

Then comes Jack who has by this time gotten fed up with Ms A proclaiming he would put an end to this foolishness.Careful when Jack is driving, toes will be sacrificed,I know this first hand(or is it first toes).

By this time Frankie P has entered the picture playing bumper cars when folks won't give her room to get by(seems like a cow pasture would be room a plenty).

A few shouts and rude remarks later I'm starting to feel life will be ok again,the code 3 has been lifted,slowly things are returning back to normal.

For now.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Memory of the food

The subject at breakfast was food,food like our Mommas cooked.

It just seemed the food was better.

Take Momma's biscuits,is there anything as good?I'm sure other biscuits are just  as good or better but the memory of her biscuits I guess make them seem better.

We all have memories like this.

Take Daddy's way of cooking hamburgers,dipping the bun in the grease before they are finished seem so delicious but in reality maybe it was a good memory not the food.

Memories are like this,sweeter not because of the food,but the love that lingers on.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Sleep was hard for me last night.

It wasn't because a hail storm hit late yesterday evening covering the ground like snow or because the sky lit up a weird green color or because power was off till 2 am or because I just couldn't sleep.

It wasn't because March came out like an lion or because or it was April Fools Day or because I was glad the night was over.

Just because.